Her family tree is said to have 16 great-grandparent roles that were actually only 6 people. They were unable to have children from continued rounds of incest. In fact, the hexagram was used to represent Saturn, which earlier newsletters have discussed. Chronicles of Void Century: Chapter 4:- Ancient beasts and Royal Bloodlines - Ancient Kings and There Beasts. The only problem with their logic was that they did not know how genetics worked. 1 Freemasons resolutely believe that when humans abandoned their nomadic lifestyle (people of day six, which Cain likely married into), they formed builder associations to erect monuments and buildings to worship their gods, and architecture transformed into an art that demanded exacting science and knowledge. Members of some of these families still own land and live in the same broad locations. Nor is it my place to tread on the turf of the Divine to summarily judge, even if I disagree with the actions of others; only God judges. (Page of tag royal blood) As they were both carriers of the gene for hemophilia, they produced one child and five grandchildren with hemophilia. Chromosome mapping can help trace ancient bloodlines … The Sumerian civilization developed on the Persian Gulf, growing to strength at around 4 – 3,000 B.C. There were often just as many (and sometimes more) illegitimate royal offspring than legitimate ones. Therefore I will build upon throughout this book the distinctions the selected elite of secret societies endorse regarding Cain, what they believe are their genetic connections linking them back to Cain and Nephilim, as well as building on the notion that Day 6 and the creation of Adam were two separate events. 13 Top Bloodlines The Astor Bloodline The Bundy Bloodline The Collins Bloodline The DuPont Bloodline The Freeman Bloodline The Kennedy Bloodline The Li Bloodline The Onassis Bloodline The Reynolds Bloodline The Rockefeller Bloodline The Rothschild Bloodline The Russell Bloodline The Van Duyn Bloodline Thirteen families or bloodlines … Royals wanted their bloodlines to be pure. … Origin of Blood Types and Royal Bloodlines. Incest left him physically deformed with a version of the “Hapsburg Jaw” that is really an abnormal jawline with large lower lip and large tongue. The leading researcher behind the Illuminati families is a man named, Fritz Springmeier, an author and educator, and he has presented some of the most compelling details about the Illuminati bloodline. The ‘royal’ bloodline/Tribe of Dan and Edomites have hijacked all the power centres of our nations in the West. Chromosome mapping can help trace ancient bloodlines by using end location numbers of CM on chromosomes. She is head of the British Royal Family, has 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren, and is 94 years, 9 months, and 18 days old.. She is the 32nd great-granddaughter of King Alfred the Great who … Magical Bloodline is a trait passed on by Spellcasters to their children, which results in a few benefits for the child should they choose to pursue Spellcasting. In order to rule he had to marry a female who carried royal blood. Published by, Section I. Phew! The Annunaki “Those Of Royal Blood” are believed to be immortal gods that inhabited the earth during the Ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Freemasonry believes the antediluvian people were highly advanced in the Seven Sacred Sciences. Marrying those with similar DNA produces malformations. He has a girlish figure with malformed pelvic region causing him a limp, a club foot, and a cleft palate. Royal incest occurs mainly in societies where rulers have tremendous power and no peers, except the gods. - Merovingian - European Royal Families - Kennedy and The Nazis : Italiano - Le Basi Biologiche dell'Elitismo e del "Diritto Divino" di Governare. Queen Victoria married her cousin Albert. In some areas, the Rh-Negative blood factor is referred to as “Blood Royale” or “Royal Blood”. Be aware that there were thousands of German witches executed during the Medieval and Early Modern Era whose names were never recorded. 2, © 2019 All rights reserved. We need to investigate what is the Biblical cause and effect of the Danites/Edomites running wild in our societies. The British Royal Family have long been involved with the occult. Maria of Portugal ended up marrying her uncle Pedro, who was her father’s brother. Britroyals Home Britroyals Shop Kings & Queens Kings & Queens. King Tut had two stillborn children with his half-sister and cousin, Ankhesenamun. Neither the Irish authorities nor the British Royal Family recognise these families as "royal" in a … The Royal Family’s reign spans 37 generations and 1209 years. Ignoring rules of consanguinity may have kept various family members gainfully employed for generations. The 13 bloodlines are said to have connections to wealth and power that are simply unimaginable. Prince … This theory is divided in 2 sections . He is said to have murdered anyone who tried to marry his family. This theory is divided in 2 sections . Charles Darwin discovered that genetics is strongest when there are many variations. The royal 'Divine' bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and elsewhere expanded into Europe to become the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and most of the world through the British Empire and those of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and so on. At the same time, DNA testing of remains of ancient Iris… All of the monarchs are descendants of King Alfred the Great, who reigned in 871. Acknowledging the Bible documented distinct genealogies descending from Adam through Cain and Seth, as well as acknowledging the Bible documented an additional race of Nephilim inserted into creation by dark angels, and further opening your thinking to the notion that perhaps Genesis subtly suggests differences in appearance between Cain and Seth are primary principles for discerning: how and why two distinct religious belief systems following two distinct gods emerged. The King was born in the year of 1341 B.C. The Dragon Legacy (formerly known as From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells) is a new collection of essays on the "Deresthai Culture" with a hip introduction by Tracy Twyman of Dagobert’s Revenge.This 377-page tome with numerous appendices, written by HRH Prince Nicholas de Vere, Sovereign Grand Master of the Imperial and Royal Dragon … 13 bloodlines of the illuminati To be a researcher and to be informed that the Kennedy family is a top 13 llluminati family is akin to being told a needle is in a haystack. This practice originated from the belief that in many cases, Gods bred with their sisters or brothers, and since royals were the direct descendents of the Gods, they must practice incest as well. Yes that is true, O rhesus negative blood was the first blood of humans. Interested in learning more about the Royal Families of Ireland? In the eighteenth dynasty of the ancient Egyptians a boy named Tutankhamen became pharaoh. The only problem with their logic, was that they did not know how genetics worked. Español - Los Reptilianos y el Consejo de Los 13 - Reptilians and The Council of 13 The bloodline of the Israelites makes up the multitudes of Celtic, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Anglo-Saxon, … Ancient Bloodline Hitler talked about A Rh positive blood being of the superior race, and wanted to wipe out anyone who carried the Rh negative genes, the Jews have a high percentage of Rh negative blood. Cleopatra married two of her brothers. They believed that if they married royalty with royalty, they would have an elite genetic condition far differing from commoners. King Tut was the product of a multitude of intermarriages and incest. No need anymore for people to keep reinventing the research wheel. Of the twenty-five barons who are known to have signed this document with King John, seventeen of them are known to have descendants living today, so you could qualify. The way he casually brushes aside items is sickening. Irish royal families refers to the dynasties that once ruled large "overkingdoms" and smaller petty kingdoms on the island of Ireland. Matthew Henry's Commentary, volume 6 page 1077: "It showed that he (Cain) was as the firstborn of the serpent's seed.." It was more commonly done in the past as part of strategic diplomacy for national interest.Although sometimes enforced by legal requirement on persons of royal birth, more often it has been a matter of political policy or tradition in monarchies. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us … They believed that if they married royalty with royalty, they would have an elite genetic condition far differing from commoners. The ancient shamanistic tribes that inhabited the earth a long time before we created the rhesus positives when we mixed some of our genes with apes. (Page of tag royal blood) Rendezvous with Destiny: Anatomy of a Global Conspiracy, Section VII. Queen Anne born 02/06/1665 of Great Britain and Ireland was the last Stewart to hold a royal title. Royal Scythians were the Ring Lords from the Transylvanian fairy race that spawned the Elven race of the Tuatha Denaan, which eventually migrated to Ireland sometime before 1000 B.C.E. Matthew Poole's Commentary on the Holy Bible, volume 3, page 936. No royal family on this list is more famous or popular than the British Royal Family, which despite having no real power, is adored and respected by millions of people around the world.All British monarchs, including the reigning Queen Elizabeth II, are descendants of Alfred the Great, who reigned in the 9 th century and was the first true King of England. If you have any questions, thoughts, comments on any of these families – do let me know in the comments section … However, some families of Ireland that share heritage of the "cuilleain", the "Divine Holly Ones", the first Druids, the first priest kings of humanity are over 5,000 years old and still exist today. Check out this new song Ancient Royal Bloodlines by No artist name set Royal Bloodline of Jesus Christ has a two-word name: the Holy Trinity! The Gene of Isis: Bloodlines of the Fairies, Chapter 5: The Schism Of Antediluvian Freemasonry, Chapter 9: Antediluvian Masonry And The Seven Sacred Sciences, Chapter 12: Azazel: Leader Of The Watchers, Chapter 15: Isis, Ishtar, Gaea, And Ninkhursag, Chapter 19: Echoes From Atlantis, Sumer, And Mu, Chapter 30: The Original Great White Brotherhood, Chapter 31: Forging The Nation of Destiny, Chapter 45: Reflections from Within The Third Reich, Chapter 50: The Spirit Of The Antichrist, The Beast, Chapter 59: St. Bernarard And The Bendictine Monks, Chapter 72: The Rothscild-Rockefeller-Morgan Axis, Chapter 73: Secret Societies And The New Age Of Atlantis, Chapter 85: Moses, Akhenaten, And The Armana Dynasty, Chapter 90: The Blood Drinking Kings of Kish, Chapter 91: The Antediluvian Dragon Court, Chapter 94: The Grail Cauldron Of Fairies, Annwyn, And Atlantis, Chapter 95: The Fairy Lords Of The Tuatha Denaan, Chapter 96: The Royal House Of The Scythians, Click to see the credits for each chapter. The Golden Age: The Global Testimony for the Other Race, Section III. If anyone dares to mention the differences we are told to shut up, that we are being racist. Alleged genetic distinctions, in these rival belief systems are reserved for only the rich and powerful; the elite; the Adepts of those secret societies. In this post, we set off on quick trip into the origin of blood types and royal bloodlines on planet earth. Ancient Irish royals had sex with their siblings or parents to keep their elite bloodlines alive, according to a surprising new genetic discovery. For more information on this there is a detailed examination of the Royal family and the occult in the book The Prince and the Paranormal -the Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family by John Dale (1987).2 They have also been actively involved with … Conversely though, and as a primary principle, we must understand that duplicitous, secretive Snake Brotherhoods and their descending genitive secret societies do disingenuously employ genetic distinctions. The Pharaoh was always male, being the oldest male heir of the previous Pharaoh. Research done into the DNA of the Irish has shown that our old understanding of where the population of Ireland originated may have been misguided. I don’t particularly care about royals, but it’s neat to be able to click on any royal… He gave up the exercise after publishing the names of about 40,000 living people, but his own estimate … The only problem with their logic was that they did not know how genetics worked. As with many cases of incest, the child is left infertile. British royals have traditionally married within the circles of British aristocracy, occasionally branching further afield and bringing members of other European royal houses into their ranks. British Royal family tree from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II (849 - present) Britroyals Menu Home & Shop Home & Book Shop. The origins of Illuminati and the top 13 bloodlines have always been shrouded in mystery, and has been widely debated by spiritual groups. Charles II of Spain was a direct product of generations of incest. The Antediluvian Epoch: The Age of Great Heroes, Section II. The Holly Tree is named after them, so is the word "holy". What is the meaning behind the expression “blue bloods”? How Magical Bloodlines Work for Spellcasters and Their Babies in The Sims 4 The Magical Bloodline Trait is a new feature in Realm of magic. Additional Information : Español - Estos Mataron a Kennedy! It was the symbol of Moloch, Ashtoreth, and others. Royal intermarriage is the practice of members of ruling dynasties marrying into other reigning families. Chromosome mapping collaboration can help confirm the presence of dna signatures on chromosomes left by ordinary, famous or noble ancestors. For centuries, European royalty have been inflicted with Hemophilia or “bleeders disease”. The House of Dragon: Bloodlines of the Prehistoric Giants, Section VIII. Apparently, Queen Victoria was a “carrier” of Hemophilia and gave it to all of her children who then intermarried and infected the bloodlines … And these families span from Europe to China. History of the Royal Dragon Bloodline - ROBERT SEPEHR … The ‘royal’ bloodline/Tribe of Dan and Edomites have hijacked all the power centres of our nations in the West. Chromosome Mapping of Ancient Bloodlines teaches people how to trace their bloodlines through chromosome mapping to confirm ancestors. Ancient Aliens, History, Conspiracy Ray Davis April 24, 2018 DNA, Bloodlines, Royal bloodlines, gods small g Comment Facebook 0 Twitter Pinterest 0 0 Likes Previous Pharaohs were not only wed to their brothers and sisters, but there were also "double-niece" marriages, where a man married a girl whose parents were his own brother and sister. The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition stemming from ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Scythian lineages. This expression is common in the English language and is short hand for those who are born into a royal family lineage. Aug 10, 2015 - Explore Joni Brown's board "Royal Bloodlines", followed by 238 people on Pinterest. It is a rare blood … For more information on this there is a detailed examination of the Royal family and the occult in the book The Prince and the Paranormal – the Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family by John Dale (1987).2 They have also been actively involved with Freemasonry. That is how this world is . The Descendants of Anak: Bloodlines and Covenants, Section IV. Many of her descendants would die from hemophilia-related complications. The simplest way to find royal ancestry is to add your tree to a collaborative, “big tree” site like Geni and follow the paths, then confirm the evidence trail. Her son married his aunt, Maria’s sister. Check out the names of the German and Swiss witch bloodlines below. the multitudes of Hebrew people – a white race descending primarily from EL, and his brother, Enki’s, bloodline. Ancient Origins articles related to royal blood in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends. We need to investigate what is the Biblical cause and effect of the Danites/Edomites running wild in our societies. Ancient Bloodlines is a sourcebook for Vampire: The Requiem. Many of the barons have ancient royal ancestry or have descendants who went on to marry into royal households, thus giving the families royal connections. Royals wanted their bloodlines to be pure. Did you see your surname amongst our list of Royal Families of Ireland? He felt inferior to Rh negatives, as when he did studies he was amazed at the intelligence they showed above his … How Pure Were Royal Bloodlines? ... O.J. Incest also protects royal assets. He had limited mental capacities and would frequently drool, and was also sterile. In Ancient Egypt the system for becoming a Pharaoh or ruler of the land was exclusively through heredity that is by the matrilineal royal bloodline. THE ROTHSCHILDS. What is the oldest Royal Bloodline in history? The ancient Egyptian royal families were almost expected to marry within the family as inbreeding was present in virtually every dynasty. There are historians that say that the Scythians belonged to the ten lost tribes of Israel. The Terminal Generation: The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Section V. Rex Deus: Bloodlines of the Grail, Section VI. Henry VIII famously considered this with his illegitimate son, Henry FitzRoy, before his first and only legitimate son, Edward VI, was born… Ancient Egyptian royal marriages were almost exclusively restricted to relatives, with very few exceptions. Some of those included Henry VIII (who founded the Church of England and beheaded two of his six wives), and Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, under whose rule England … Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of the United Kingdom and Head of the Commonwealth on 6th February 1952. British royals have traditionally married within the circles of British aristocracy, occasionally branching further afield and bringing members of other European royal houses … They believed that if they married royalty with royalty, they would have an elite genetic condition far differing from commoners. ... “To Dan was given the symbol of Scorpio, which, in the ancient Egyptian zodiac was a … The British Royal Family have long been involved with the occult. by Joan d’Arc 2004 from ParanoiaMagazine Website. Acknowledging the Bible documented distinct genealogies descending from Adam through Cain and Seth, as well as acknowledging the Bible documented an additional race of Nephilim inserted into creation by dark angels, and further opening your thinking to the notion that perhaps Genesis subtly suggests differences in appearance between Cain and Seth are primary principles for discerning: how … This expression is common in the English language and is short hand for those who are born into a royal family lineage. This African monarch married only his sisters or his daughters as his wives. What is the meaning behind the expression “blue bloods”? "Which showed him (Cain) to be of that wicked one, of the serpent's seed: so early was such seed sown, and so ancient the enmity between seed and seed." 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Located at the 33rd degree paralell [latitude AND longtitude from Paris meridian], the ancient tribe of … It featured the awakening of an ancient Egyptian vampiress and was well written (albeit the comment on 1903 was confusing) but I think it's kind of a waste since the book is basically an introduction on all sorts of bloodlines throughout the ages and there was no epilogue or so that featured them. With so much at stake, royal families across the world have tried to keep the bloodlines clean and the seat of power firmly intact through strategic intermarriage. In royal families in ancient Egypt – and in many dynasties around the world, for much of human history – brothers and sisters were expected to marry, to keep the bloodline pure. 13 BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI. Chromosome mapping collaboration can help confirm the presence of dna signatures on chromosomes left by ordinary, famous or noble ancestors. ... 1 Ancient Rome. ... of the royal family of Hesse. The ‘Plain of the Land of Shinar’ is the territory which after 2,000 B.C. Since gods marry each other, so should royals. E) The Elohiym royal godhead: Their descendants became the twelve/thirteen tribes of Israel, i.e. Someone has estimated that there are 200,000 Kennedys in the United States.1 And on a list of the most populous surnames of Ireland in 1890 Kennedy … Some kings even made their illegitimate children their heirs when they did not procure any legitimate ones. In this post, we set off on quick trip into the origin of blood types and royal bloodlines … Ancient Origins articles related to royal blood in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends. Tutankhamun BOMBSHELL: How the ancient Egyptians kept bloodline PURE TUTANKHAMUN, the Boy King, ruled for a mere 10 years but he … The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, by Gary Wayne. Millions of years in the future, the Sun collapsed, and the existence of the human race on Earth was about to end.\n\nYet, the arrival of the Xis, an omnipotent alien race, saved the human from mass extinction and forced them to live under the surface of the … Tut was the son of Akhenaten also known as Amenhotep IV. Chronicles of Void Century: Chapter 4:- Ancient beasts and Royal Bloodlines - Ancient Kings and There Beasts. While the actress may not believe in the importance of “ancient bloodlines,” it appears the British monarchy holds them in the highest regard. (See the chart.) At the same time, DNA testing of remains of ancient Irish people suggests that some of the earliest human arrivals on the island originally came from much further afield. However, this contrarian hypothesis should not be interpreted as a ploy in any way to summarily denigrate or stigmatize any race or people of different skin colors; nor should this contrarian hypothesis in any way be applied to summarily judge or condemn any individuals, or groups of people, simply because they may carry genetic traces of DNA and or bloodlines descending from Cain, Nephilim, or any other race I will refer to in this book. Graham explains that the hexagram was used in the ancient mystery religions. See more ideas about royal … I do not believe the God Most High summarily judges anyone based on genetics; we are all judged in the same equal manner on what we do and what we believe; through our free choice to choose God or not. While the actress may not believe in the importance of “ancient bloodlines,” it appears the British monarchy holds them in the highest regard. 1 Summary 1.1 Prologue: To Dream of Ages Past 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Bloodlines of the Great War 1.4 Bloodlines of the Montrose Party 1.5 Bloodlines of the Age of Treachery 1.6 Bloodlines … Origin of Blood Types and Royal Bloodlines. Ancient Egypt: The Primal Age of Divine Revelation Volume I Genesis (Revised Edition) ... Egyptian Pharoahs had Negative blood as well as the Royal bloodlines. It featured the awakening of an ancient Egyptian vampiress and was well written (albeit the comment on 1903 was confusing) but I think it's kind of a waste since the book is basically an introduction on all sorts of bloodlines throughout the ages and there was no epilogue or so that featured them. Between 1903 and 1911, the Melville Henry Massue produced volumes titled The Blood Royal of Britain - which attempted to name all the then-living descendants of King Edward III of England (1312–1377) - were published.