This may seem like a no-brainer, but your real estate listing description should be accurate. Agents sometimes skimp on their descriptions when they’re selling a cookie-cutter home that’s nothing special on the surface. Aug 21, 2019 - Buyers crave specifics and creative real estate listing descriptions serve to tell your home’s story in a way that photos alone can't achieve. Even though creative real estate listing descriptions are vital to marketing, many agents lack the ambition to separate a homes best characteristics. Below you’ll find a selection of professional real estate description examples created by clients using The Copy Cat Real Estate Listing Generator. While this may be true, this approach doesn’t resonate with all customers. Incorporate descriptive words that appeal to buyers 5. Always proofread your listing descriptions thoroughly, and it’s also a good idea to read them out loud before they’re published on your site. There’s no official HUD list of banned words, but here are some examples of words or phrases that might raise fair housing red flags: So is there an appropriate way to mention your neighborhood’s family-friendly, or the fact that your kids are able to walk to their great school? Also, remember to include great neighborhood features, too, like your nearby walking trails, local attractions, and gorgeous parks. Structure Your Listings. But when you flip it over to read the description on the back, you’re left disappointed by its jumbled, nonsensical attempt at a plot. In fact… looking like everyone else is one of the … You can use this sample template to create a professional listing description and then use the final output for marketing. That’s why you expect customers to read your listing from top to bottom. This offers value to customers and helps them during their decision-making process. If your potential customers are on the market for a new home, chances are, they’re reading multiple listings a day. Grab a pen, Shakespeare. Real estate listings is like app store copy, only 5% to 10% of the sales work is done through the copy.. 10% of the work is done by the copy. In most cases, they’re the first interaction prospective customers have with you, so it’s important that they showcase who you are and the value you offer. You can even use emojis and hashtags — which are helpful if you also post listings on social media. For sellers who are eager to share the wonderful things about their home and neighborhood that are difficult to describe without violating the Fair Housing Act, Santistevan has a solution: “I have my sellers draft a letter about why they love their home and why they’re so sad to leave it. [Source] This is an Airbnb listing, but it’s a great example of how to draw audiences in with a question. © HomeLight, Inc. 100 1st Street, Suite 2600, San Francisco, CA 94105. searching online say that the detailed information found in the description is “very useful.”, Here’s How Much Money You Need to Build Your Dream Home, What Upgrades Increase Home Value? Jul 9, 2019 - Buyers crave specifics and creative real estate listing descriptions serve to tell your home’s story in a way that photos alone can't achieve. You can use slang but only if your audience gets it. It is located at 3991 Bleacher Ave, Burbank, California. It’s time to write some poetry. It shows you understand them and piques their interest. That was one of the findings of the book “Zillow Talk: Rewriting the Rules of Real Estate,” written by Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff and Chief Economist Stan Humphries. Can you make your headline stick out like a sore thumb? “The description is our chance to put in things like, the hand scraped mahogany wood flooring, or chiseled stone from Italy.”. Look at typical real estate ads and you will notice t… One surefire way to get people to stop and read your listings is to choose words to show in bold type throughout your copy. Do some SEO research to figure out what phrases or words customers search for the most. But the truth is, this approach has the opposite effect on readers. By understanding their needs, you stand a better chance of winning them over as customers by speaking to their unique needs. The good news is, you don’t have to be a copywriter to come up with descriptions that get noticed. The list of potential adjectives that’ll impress buyers is almost endless, so how do you pick the right ones? If your description is just a long list of opulent adjectives with no rhyme nor reason to their order, buyers will just become overwhelmed with a bunch of wonderful words that aren’t grounded in reality. Your listing should comprise of four main components: Headline; Opener ; Body; Call-to-action; Let’s take a moment to talk about each. A common mistake agents make is sticking statistical data in the listing description, such as the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and the home’s square footage. Use these words in both the interior and exterior listing description. Don’t be afraid to get specific with your finishes and upgrades. We compiled 16 creative real estate marketing ideas to make your listings shine: Start with Strong MLS Listing Descriptions Most leads discover your listings through a MLS, so writing descriptions … Even if you target a wide range of customers with your services, it’s a good idea to also cater to specific niches that stand out in the areas you service. You put a lot of effort into providing customers with stellar service as they make one of the biggest purchases in their lives. In the first instant, sweeping aerial drone shots of your home’s acreage, and angles that highlight your light-filled interior layout catch their eye. They tune out because the text doesn’t sound like a person talking to another person. Poll your current customers to get an idea of what they’re looking for and their expectations. Yes. Miễn phí khi đăng ký và chào giá cho công việc. Your email address will not be published. How Much House Can I Afford If I Make $70,000 a Year? There’s something about writing that makes us all want to sound a little more formal than we speak. So, how do you decide which items to highlight? Required fields are marked *, The 5 Best Examples of Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions. If they don’t sound good, they probably don’t read well either – so make them sing! Since you only have one shot to get a buyer to notice your ad in a split second, come up with a way to stand out from the crowd. Thirdly, think about a colour that you associate with the term and choose it for your vocabulary entry. Homes Details: No, listing descriptions aren’t the most critical component of getting a listing sold, but it can be a difference-maker nonetheless.The average buyer only sees 10 homes . 90% of the work is done by the images.. Just remember: If someone thinks a house is terrible, there’s almost no amount of copy that will change their minds. Keeping the real estate listing description to about 250 words or less is ideal. Real Estate listing agents have to write great context for real estate descriptions. They want to know why you’re the best, and your description is where you can back this up. Chances are prospective buyers will want to know more. The list is intended to make you aware of and sensitive to the important legal obligations concerning discriminatory real estate advertising. The offer not only beckons the viewer to click through for more information, but it also encourages them to provide their email address and receive a selection of real estate listings customized for their needs. For example, if you ask the location question, the rest of the listing can talk about your experience in the area, applicable details about the property and your success rate getting buyers the homes they want. Descriptions that feature only that dry, basic data wind up being short and boring — and they fail to highlight your home’s best features. When they see these words stand out against the rest of the text, they’ll want to keep reading to learn more. When to use this: This approach works when you understand your audience and what their biggest home search struggle is. It’s like the Art Webb quote, “if you make everything bold, nothing is bold.”. If you’re targeting this group, start your description off with some insight into what matters to customers. Then, a catchy listing title (hello, “Rare Gem Spacious Bungalow in Perfect Condition”), gets them to click-through. Sell. Secondly, formulate a sentence using the new terms correctly! Words are the key to telling your home’s story. create and publish real estate advertising. There is limited space in most MLS description sections so using that space wisely is important. Studies have shown that 250 words is the length of a listing description that conveys the most value. 43% of buyers start their home search online, and 86% of those buyers searching online say that the detailed information found in the description is “very useful.” That’s not to mention that nearly 45% of buyers will be less inclined to tour a home if they see spelling and grammatical errors in the property description. Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions Examples. But writing a compelling listing can be easier than you think. They want to get the facts quickly so that they can move on if the listing doesn’t have what they’re looking for. Circle the characteristics that best describe your home, then use the below examples to see how we put the words together for a compelling description in minutes. Commercial real estate marketing requires considered investment in a number of resources, but one of the most important is the property description that sits at the center of your campaign.. To guide you in crafting a high quality, results-oriented property description, we’ve outlined the core elements you should include along with real property description examples that you can use … Posting your real estate listing descriptions on websites like Craigslist, eBay Classifieds, and Backpage requires an eye-catching, different-looking headline. Launching her writing career in 2007, Christine has crafted interior design content for companies including USA Today and Houzz. Your real estate listing descriptions should not only include the best parts of the house, but they should be highlighted. Your real estate listing description can either entice buyers or turn them off. This information is already available in the listing’s data fields. Try it – Register for a free introductory training course . Suggested Fair Housing Advertising Word/Phrase List IMPORTANT: This list is not all‐inclusive, but is provided to REIN members as a Fair Housing reminder when writing any public or member only listing description. Before you even speak to them in person, show them that you understand them and that you are different from other agents out there. Then I print it on cute paper and I’ll leave it on the counter with the house flyers. You can even use social media to track the kinds of comments your audience make or the questions they ask. Source: (National Association of Realtors). Posted on November 25, 2020December 8, 2020 5 min read. Let’s Break It Down. This approach also positions you as knowledgeable of the industry and trends. The top priority for a real estate listing description is to help buyers understand your home’s appeal and easily recognize the most compelling features. 12. One way is to lead with a question and use your copy to guide customers to the conclusion that your property is the best. Adding descriptive real estate words to your listings can help them stand out and generate more inquiries, leads, and make the sale faster. Sometimes, a one-page listing may not be enough to provide in-depth information about the property you want to promote. Florida Real Estate Market provides a helpful list of all lower-budget homes in the ad-viewer’s area. A rule of thumb is that the listing agent should promote the features of the Header Image Source: (Panumas Yanuthai/ Shutterstock). Connect – Branded Real Estate Search and Collaboration App, Profiling The Top Performing Ads From 2020, Top Performing Real Estate Ads From October 2020, Why Agents Don’t Get Leads or Clicks When They Run Ads Using the Facebook “Boost” Button, use your copy to guide customers to the conclusion. Here’s a checklist to use when writing a listing description: 1. 19 High-ROI Improvements Buyers Love, How Much Money Do You Get Back in Taxes for Buying a House? window.addEventListener('LPLeadboxesReady',function(){LPLeadboxes.addDelayedLeadbox('vTnckHrbty9YoLNkN8BLLj',{delay:'10s',views:0,dontShowFor:'5d',domain:''});}); Your listing description is your first chance to attract and engage with customers. They’ll help you get more people to pay attention to your listings and maximize your sales. We’ll connect you with three agents who are top of their market and experienced in the word-smithing that makes homes shine online. All articles. And the more showings you have, the higher your odds are to get multiple offers. When to use this: This approach works well for niche buyers looking for specific features. Your email address will not be published. You see, it’s the description’s job to set up expectations for the buyer by creating visual images that spark emotion. “Words like these make buyers go, ‘Wow, this sounds great. So just what factors do the best, most creative listing descriptions have in common? When to use this: Use this approach to emphasize information that you don’t want your audience to miss while skimming your listing. Describe the property accurately. Part of the description in this listing includes the estimated mortgage of the property and a link to current lending rates. Based on what your audience is looking for, get their attention with a question that gets to the heart of their needs. Real Estate Listing Description Examples with Template . That’s why it’s important to find the middle ground between showcasing and overselling your home in the description. You can talk about the monthly neighborhood potlucks, or give the distance from your house to the nearby school. Use a catchy real estate headline to capture buyers’ interest 3. “We do have to be careful about using words that violate the Fair Housing Act,” Santistivan warns. Bold fonts convey power and offer a contrast to the rest of the text. Learn … Writing creative real estate listing descriptions Using the listing words proven to attract buyers. It’s tempting to want to start your real estate listing description by saying you are the best agent with the best properties. You still need to include basic listing information but have a little fun with it and incorporate some of these options. But don’t go overboard with bold. Whenever we write for real estate we are writing real estate context. Only includes basic information. Words for Real Estate. “I will always point out those desirable things that the buyer might not know otherwise from just looking at the pictures,” says Santistevan. I realize no one would nor should describe their property as: Dark cave that hasn't been updated since the day it was built in 1946. One of my favorite aspects of real estate writing is writing property descriptions. 9 home staging tips for a faster sale . This is where the real estate listing presentation comes in. I want to see this home.’”. The 5 Best Examples of Creative Real Estate Listing Descriptions. Keep your description under 250 words 2. Start with any upgrades that you’ve recently made, like the new countertops in the kitchen or the fresh, matching fixtures in all of the bathrooms. He and some other researchers spent three years studying real estate listings. Your listing is an opportunity to show the person behind it and sell people on your personality and how easy it is to work with you. This listing is written from the house’s perspective. Want to learn more? Examples of questions to ask that get noticed include: The rest of the description should answer the question. As real estate listing professionals we are writing all the time. Some homebuyers, especially first-time buyers, are interested in information like interest rates and down payment requirements. Fortunately for most sellers, it’s their real estate agent’s job to hammer out the exact wording that’ll go into the MLS description. One of her points that struck a nerve with me is the "artfully creative" real estate descriptions that sellers use to attract buyers. Something like a pool or a gazebo is a major selling point for families or people that just like to be outdoors. Sometimes your agent may leave out some details that you wanted to include. This doesn’t do a better job of helping text stand out; it actually makes it harder to read. Your home doesn’t need to have luxury, high-end features or finishes to be worthy of a stellar write-up in the MLS. Real estate brokers or agents are commissioned to sell the home or property of a client and are therefore referred to as listing agents. From this, they extrapolated a list of words that sell, and some that don’t. Typically, it includes the address of the property, the list price, and a short summary of features. “I use adjectives like, ‘modern home; swanky kitchen; clean lines; and crisp, white cabinetry,” Santistevan says. The best real estate listing description is one that briefly and accurately paints an attractive picture of your home and gets people to want to come visit. “If we put in something that’s a violation, we’ll get a nasty-gram that says, ‘Your description on this listing is a violation of fair housing.’ If we get too many of those, we’ll get fined.”. It’s targeted and speaks to people who are looking for properties in a specific location. The fear is that getting too creative with the description leads to disappointed buyers when they first see the property in person. Former art and design instructor Christine Bartsch holds an MFA in creative writing from Spalding University. One of the mistakes I see many real estate agents making all the time is being repetitive with the listing descriptions. Words are the key to telling your home’s story. Real Estate Listing Description Presentation Template. Established in 1968, the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the renting or sale of housing nationwide. By adding a few simple features, you can improve the effectiveness of your listings — more people view them, which increases your chances of gaining new customers. It might surprise some sellers to learn that there are legal restrictions on the kind of language you can include in your listing description. We’ve all browsed through plenty of other listings before and we’ve subconsciously told ourselves, “Well… I guess that’s what my listing is supposed to look like too.” If you want to learn how to write real estate ads well, the fact of the matter is you don’t need to look like everyone else. This means that your listing description cannot use any language that could be interpreted as discriminatory against any of the seven protected classes: race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, or familial status. Crafting a fantastic one may not be easy, but with a little creativity and some expert help from your agent, you’ll hit upon the right words to showcase and sell your home. Imagine how the book with a gorgeous beach shot on the cover and “murder” in the title practically begs you to pick it up and find out more. And that’s where creative real estate listing descriptions come in. Get news and tips in your inbox. Instead, tell them what they want to know from the beginning. Avoid the temptation to use all CAPS. Can you make a reader do a double take? Writing an effective listing isn’t that different than writing an essay, and both start with a basic structure. For homes that don’t have any stand-out upgrades worth mentioning, it’s even more important to get creative with your description. We’re here with eight tips for you to write a real estate listing description that sells. So really look hard at your home, and be descriptive when it comes time to draft that description. You can group the responses into categories and then use the findings to design different listings. by Christine Bartsch Download . I put the pictures in order of the flow of the home. Sell. Property & Real-Estate – Vocabulary and colour associations First, match the terms with the correct definition. A well written real estate description can make the difference between being an average real estate salesperson or a top-notch professional. Always be sure to follow the Follow fair housing laws in your area. Apr 22, 2018 - Use our property description examples and real estate descriptive words that sell to write real estate descriptions for your listings. Include an opening statement that describes what the buyer is looking for 4. Mary Jo Santistevan, who’s sold over 81% more properties in Phoenix than the average agent and ranks as the #1 Agent/Team for all of Berkshire Hathaway Home Service agents in Arizona, explains: “We’re trying to paint a picture for the buyer about why they want to come in to see this home.”. Writing a compelling listing description can be daunting, so we created a simple formula that makes the process quick and easy. One aspect of the study centered on how a listing ad’s wording affected the eventual sales price and days on the market. Better Business Bureau. Since it’s coming directly from the seller, I get the message out to potential buyers without violating the Fair Housing Act.”. To save time, they probably read the first few lines and skim through the rest of the content. Convert more visitors to leads by using this Ninja tool whenever you write real estate listing descriptions April 12, 2017 By Sepy Bazzazi 7 min read Writing a powerful, lead converting listing description can be super challenging. This list is not intended to provide legal advice. Company About Contact. The property description is repetitive, as it contains data already available to a reader in the property information area. And tagging the photos with phrases pulled from the description helps buyers know what highlighted features to take note of in each room. A better approach is to adopt a more conversational tone that makes you sound relatable. When to use this: How you implement this largely depends on your audience. 19. This listing leads with a statement outlining a solution to the problem the homebuyer faces — for example, a specific design sense. A listing agreement represents their right to handle all the aspects of the sale of a property and to receive a fee for the service. This is pretty standard stuff but sticking to the basics is nowhere near enough to stand out from a crowded marketplace full of other listings. ” Way too short. Using the right words in your home description can mean more money in your pocket. Put simply, just be as honest as you can with the most attractive words you can find that fit your home’s personality. Follow these tips to help build this important facet of your creative real estate … Finally, interested buyers crave specifics and book a tour if you can sell them with marketing artistry. Tìm kiếm các công việc liên quan đến Creative real estate listing descriptions examples hoặc thuê người trên thị trường việc làm freelance lớn nhất thế giới với hơn 19 triệu công việc. If you want to improve your property descriptions, I’ve put together some of my best tips, tricks and hints to help. Bold things like the price if it’s competitive, the location, or some of the neighborhood amenities. Be Your Own Builder: The Cheapest Way to Build a House, HomeLight and NAREB Launch the Black Real Estate Agent Program™ to Support Aspiring Black Agents, Buy a House in Irvine, California: Plant Roots in America’s Happiest City, How Kristina Smallhorn Grew Her YouTube Channel to 70,000+ Subscribers, How to Buy a House in Fremont: The Ins and Outs Needed to Beat the Competition, Learn The Time-Blocking System That Helped Cliff Lewis Sell 57 More Homes in One Year, 45% of buyers will be less inclined to tour a home, offers this comprehensive list of “power words”, prohibits discrimination in the renting or sale of housing nationwide. Why you don't need to pay the standard real estate commission. Real Estate listing agents write real estate descriptions, real estate emails, real estate listing flyers, real estate listing letters, real estate listing web… Find top real estate agents in these similar cities, HomeLight has an A+ rating with the Real estate listing means that a property is advertised for sale. Just say it creatively, such as referring to it as a spacious, rolling green lawn. To engage potential buyers with well-written listings, try using some of the best descriptive real estate words suggested below.