Based on the body size, it is included as … It is estimated that beavers cause $100 million worth of damage every year in the United States alone. The work that beavers carry out makes them an integral species in this regard. You'll be asked where beavers live, what they look like and when they're active. It … Both species prefer freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, streams near the woodland area. 50 Brilliant Albert Einstein Facts To Bring Out the Genius in You, 40 Important Canada Day Facts You Have To Know, 100 Interesting Facts That Will Boggle Your Mind, 300 Random Facts No One Knows What To Do With, 100 Nutrition Facts To An Easier And Healthier Lifestyle, 100 Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind, 300 WTF Facts That Will Make You Question Everything, 300 Weird Facts That Will Confuse And Amaze You At The Same Time, 100 Did You Know Facts Most People Have Never Heard About, Beavers Fell Different Trees for Different Reasons, Beavers Encourage Growth of the Plants That They Eat, Considerate Beavers Create Habitats for Other Species, Beavers’ Dams Both Cause and Prevent Floods, Beavers Cause $100 Million Damage Every Year, The Largest Beaver Dam Is Visible from Space, Beavers Were Extinct in the UK but Aren’t Any Longer, The Beaver Population in North America Has Declined Drastically. After European immigrants colonised North America, the beaver population dropped from 60 million to just 6 to 12 million animals. Beaver is one of the largest rodents in the world. Incredibly, these creatures can hold their breath underwater for up to 15 minutes at a time. One of the most fascinating beaver facts is that beavers can see underwater. When sites are available, beavers burrow in the banks of rivers and lakes. The length of the upper incisors varies between … Come learn cool and interesting facts about beavers in this educational video! A lodge may be quite large and is very visible from a distance, especially if it is sitting in the middle of a small pond. The beaver’s teeth never stop growing. It’s as though they’re born wearing their own furry wetsuit! However, in 2009 this species was re-introduced to Scotland. Beavers are herbivores. The tail adds another 7.75 to 12 inches (20 to 30.5 cm) to its length, according to National Geographic.Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) are around the same size. Their population declined drastically in the 20th century due to extensive hunt and habitat loss. Talk about having the best of both worlds! A beaver lodge is the home of a family of beavers that looks like a large mound of sticks and mud. They can remain underwater for 15 minutes without surfacing, and have a set of transparent eyelids that function much like goggles. Beaver’s front teeth are orange in colour. It is still a reference today and is mentioned in the movies and TV shows. They are herbivores and prefer to eat leaves, bark, twigs, roots, and aquatic plants. And you don’t get more hospitable than that! They eat tree bark from several species, such as maple, aspen and cherry trees. In addition, beavers will slap their tails on the water surface, with the noise acting as a warning signal to either warn others of danger or as a warning to keep away. Beavers stay active all year, feeding on willow and aspen branches in the winter from a cache in their lodge. The behaviour of beavers means that they need to be able to remain underwater for several minutes at a time. Then, midway through 2010, the first offspring to be born in the wild were spotted in Argyll, Scotland. 2021 National Geographic Partners, LLC. They are often strategically located in the middle of ponds and can only be reached by underwater entrances. As far as rodents go, beavers are defiantly heavyweights. About This Quiz & Worksheet. (13 to 35 kg) and are 29 to 53 in (73 to 135 cm) in length, according t… There are only two species of beaver. This sum is predominantly made up of property costs that are incurred as a result of their behaviour. When it comes to conservation, beavers set a fine example by felling trees without wasting any part of the tree. A beaver’s tail is a little like a Swiss Army knife: it is used as a rudder, a third leg while standing … Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark, A beaver photographed in Lincoln, Nebraska, All rights reserved. Did you know that the beaver is the national animal of Canada? Beaver homes are referred to as lodges. April 7th is the day of the beaver. They are able to do this because their bodies are specially adapted to help them withstand freezing cold water. There are two species of beaver. A beaver’s front teeth (incisors) are harder on the front side than on the back. For further protection, these lodges also have underwater entrances. Beavers are rodents. They are able to move efficiently through the water thanks to their stiff tails and webbed feet. A typical beaver weighs in the range of 40 to 60 pounds, and the largest recorded beaver weighed a startling 110 pounds! Beavers’ Teeth: Their teeth are of prime importance. In addition, their thick fur acts as a waterproof coating that keeps out the cold when they’re swimming. Fun Facts Beavers are the largest rodents in North America and the second largest in the world, behind the capybara - a species native to South America. In fact, they are second only to people in terms of this ability. It is located in the middle of a small pond. Read also: 100 Snake Facts That Will Swallow You Whole. Beavers are primarily nocturnal animals. The dams create a pond, in the middle of which the beaver family constructs an island made of more branches. Beavers can manipulate their environment quite dramatically, redesigning it to suit their needs by building dams, canals and lodges. They fell trees by gnawing through their trunks, then use the branches to dam streams. Beavers are second only to humans in their ability to manipulate their environment – the largest … These dwellings are home to extended families of monogamous parents, young kits, and the yearlings born the previous spring. Beavers rank second only to the capybaras of South America in rodent size. Your email address will not be published. The Show Star. Beavers are known for their natural trait of building dams on rivers and streams, and building their homes (known as "lodges") in the resulting pond. The third is a set transparent eyelids that enable them to close their eyes yet retain their vision whilst underwater. Take a look at our list of 25 fun and interesting facts about beavers so you can learn how beavers build their homes, what they eat, where they live and why they build dams. They are in need of strong teeth to gnaw through trucks of … Beavers have long, … It is unmistakable due to its large body size (26-65 pounds, 25-35 inches) and broad flattened tail (9-10 inches long, 6 inches wide), not to mention the characteristically altered habitat in which it resides. It’s like having a Swiss Army Tail! The largest dam that has been built by beavers can be found in Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, Canada. Beavers are among the largest of rodents. Beavers also use their tails as levers to help them drag branches. Because beavers are unable to breathe underwater, they have to hold their breath. Beavers eat tree bark and other tough plant material, and their molars are ideal for grinding their food to a pulp to extract as much food as possible. Their wide stiff tails make effective rudders to steer beavers as they swim in the water. In addition, by drowning some trees in the process, beavers also create standing dead wood. Thereafter, they cut the tree’s trunk and branches into sections to use in the construction of their dams and lodges. Fur trade was so lucrative in New Amsterdam (now Manhattan) that beavers are on the city seal. You don’t want to have an encounter with those large, long, sharp rodent teeth…. Beavers are the largest rodent in North America, weighing up to 70 pounds, and the second largest in the world after the capybara of South America. One of the most fascinating beaver facts is that beavers create and maintain habitats that are used by other species. Gnawing teeth. Your email address will not be published. Their most notable characteristic is their large, flat tail. Despite this, beavers actually have quite poor eyesight. We have already established that beavers slap their tails on the water surface when they sense danger. Younger, second growth trees are felled to provide the beavers with food. These animals are active all winter, swimming and foraging in their ponds even when a layer of ice covers the surface. Each family group will typically consist of monogamous parents, their new young kits, and their yearlings that were born the previous spring. Today I share with you more facts about Leave it to Beaver than you thought could exist! As you might expect from a rodent, a beaver’s teeth are quite large. June 10, 2019. 1. If a beaver is hissing, it’s best to keep your distance! A beaver’s flat tail helps it sit up on land and serves as a rudder on water. If you live in an area where beaver control is a necessary wildlife management tool, it will be important for you to understand beaver behavior, as well as, what they can do to your surroundings, because this will impact how you control both current and future beaver related issues. These wetlands are vitally important because they soak up floodwaters. Although beavers cause damage to people’s properties, their dams are an important part of the ecosystem. >> Beaver families are territorial and defend against other families. The two species are quite similar, but the Eurasian beaver grows slightly longer than the American beaver does. 4 fun facts about beavers . If they are frightened, beavers also tend to make a hissing sound. They have thick fur, webbed feet and flattened, scale-covered tails. Beavers will fell broad leaf trees in order to encourage re-growth, so that more food grows within their reach. Description. These structures are domelike in shape and are made from mud and branches. There are several beaver facts relating to conservation. © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- One of these is that the Great British beaver was extinct in the United Kingdom for 400 years. First, they systematically eat the bark and buds of the tree. It is so big that it is actually visible from space. 1. They also feed on different types of leaves, water lilies, and pond weed. Beavers can swim underwater for up to 15 minutes. About Beavers Page Felling and gnawing trees with their strong teeth and powerful jaws, they create massive log, branch, and mud structures to block streams and turn fields and forests into the large ponds that beavers love. Beaver. Chewing on tree trunks and branches helps keep the teeth from getting too long. Beaver is the second largest rodent in the world. 2. Beavers are nocturnal rodents that live in woodlands near rivers, lakes and ponds in Europe and North America. This is why beavers are constantly observed gnawing on wood: the continuous gnawing helps to wear down their teeth and prevent them from growing too long. As we have already learnt, beavers create dams that flood certain areas, causing wetlands. Leave it to Beaver was a really popular show during its time. Scientific Name: Castor canadensis New York Status: Not Listed Federal Status: Not Listed . The wetlands that the beavers create are also of importance because they prevent erosion and create an ecosystem that breaks down pesticides. A list of beaver facts for kids wouldn’t be complete without an explanation of the different trees that are felled by beavers. Happy International Beaver Day! Animal Facts: Beaver. But they also transform less suitable habitats by building dams. Get ready to peek behind the scenes. Average lifespan in the wild is about 24 years. These large rodents move with an ungainly waddle on land but are graceful in the water, where they use their large, webbed rear feet like swimming fins, and their paddle-shaped tails like rudders. *, North American beaver and European beaver, Freshwater ponds, lakes, rivers and streams near woodland areas, Beavers can swim at speeds of up to 5 miles per hour, Beavers Are Sociable, Except When They Work, Beavers’ Bodies Are Designed for a Semi-Aquatic Lifestyle, Beavers Are House Proud and Hospitable Hosts, Beavers Use Their Tails to Steer, Balance, and Warn Others, Beavers Can Hold Their Breath for 15 Minutes Underwater, 50 Interesting Giraffe Facts That Will Tower Over You, 30 Strange Flamingo Facts That You Never Knew About, 100 Snake Facts That Will Swallow You Whole. The decrease in the beaver population was principally due to hunting and loss of their natural habitat. (27 kilograms) and are 23 to 39 inches (60 to 100 centimeters) long. What do beavers eat? When President Barack Obama, the president of the United States, made a visit to Ottawa he in fact ate a beaver tail – but his was made from whole-wheat dough! Read also: 30 Strange Flamingo Facts That You Never Knew About. This has not always been the case; in fact, beavers were overhunted for many years and beaver fur was the basis of many large fortunes. This dam reaches an amazing 2,790 feet, or 850 meters, in length. Beavers are large, nocturnal and semi-aquatic rodents, which are known for their unique skill of building dams and lodges. Beavers are famously busy, and they turn their talents to reengineering the landscape as few other animals can. This creates a habitat for insects, which in turn attracts birdlife to the area. Beavers actually stimulate the growth of wooden plants by pruning back the bark as they feed. This allows them to navigate underwater. The beaver (Castor canadensis) is a keystone species that affects habitat structure and dynamics through the damming and diverting of streams, and the felling of trees and other woody vegetation.The resulting ponds and flooding help create an environment favorable to willow and aspen, the beavers’ preferred winter foods and used in building their lodges. There are two species of beavers: American and Eurasian. One of the more concerning beaver facts is that the beaver population in North America declined drastically in the 20th century. Beavers are second only to humans in their ability to manipulate and change their environment. Read also: 50 Interesting Giraffe Facts That Will Tower Over You. Upon closer inspection, you would also notice that these mammals have webbing between their toes as well. Beavers work independently and tend to have little contact with each other while working. The younger siblings stay with their parents for up to 2 years, helping with infant care, food collection, and dam building. Beavers are famous for their buckteeth and large, flat tails. Here are 20 kickass and interesting Beaver Facts. The American beaver (Castor canadensis) typically weighs 60 lbs. They are closely related to squirrels, as they share some structural similarities with them, with regard to lower jaw and skull. The beaver is New York State's official mammal. Here’s a list of additional beaver facts you might not know: Beavers are the largest rodents in North America. With powerful jaws and strong teeth. However, they make up for this with excellent hearing and a highly developed sense of smell.