With this sort of writing, you can get the point you’re trying to get across better. But I wasn’t too tired to smell. Still, there are times when you need to have your say, and text is the only venue for doing it. Although Grammarly is a fantastic tool, you need to be careful sometimes. 20% Limited-time discount on Premium! When Grammarly says “intricate text”, it’s saying that some of your writing is so detailed, that it can be difficult for the average reader to understand what it’s trying to say. So, I went into my Grammarly, and sure enough, somehow Grammarly has removed multiple words from my chapters. With intricate text, there is lots of description in one paragraph. The intricate way: Today, while I was walking down the street glistening in the evening’s delightful glow, I’ve accidentally gazed upon the saddened, grey pavement and noticed a loud, magnificent car, red like a burning glow, making its way with impressive pace down the street full of curious everyday bystanders, like a mechanical chariot of God, disappearing in the distance. Even something as simple as the number of sentences in a single paragraph can be a mystery to some people and even some seasoned writers…. But at the end of each day, this was the only place he wanted to be. You can keep typing, and Grammarly will continue checking. Sentence: "My input to the conversations not only provided a different perspective but also brought attention to global topics like greed and justice that further led to a meaningful discussion." The software was first released in … If I say “The cat sat on the mat”, you know nothing about why the cat was there, his mental state, and what impact this will have on the rest of the story. Years ago, before even I was born, the Roman’s invaded Britain. All in all; if you’re writing within academic capacity, you should definitely keep intricacy and language economy in mind, as many papers and articles get turned down for being too intricate and too stylized. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. The crisp taste of the hot and crispy bread, it made me feel like I had waited all night for this. How Can I Publish a Journal Article for Free? And “triace” was to show that a word is a plural.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'grammarhow_com-box-4','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])); So when we say “intricate”, we’re saying that there is a plural of something inside something else. Intricate Text Checker Born in … Grammarly says that this is an intricate text writing issue. Writing isn’t as easy as it might sound because it takes not only skill for you to write well but also the fundamental knowledge required to write even basic paragraphs. What Does It Mean When Grammarly Says You Have Intricate Text. What Does Intricate Text Mean On Grammarly. Even if you read it a thousand times, you’ll find it intricate. Today, I wrote a book review. When Grammarly says “intricate text”, it’s saying that some of your writing is so detailed, that it can be difficult for the average reader to understand what it’s trying to say. What Is the Difference Between E-Commerce and E-Business. When you start writing, Grammarly starts to automatically check your text, and the Overall score icon moves in a circle to indicate that checking is in progress. The human body is an excellent example of “intricate”. We all want to finish with our writing as quickly as possible, but there’s no shame in taking a moment just to reread what you wrote and rethink it. I spend for the costs package because the added advantages deserve it to me. How intricate of a process is it? You can say what you saw in an intricate and in a simple way. James Joyce most definitely knew what he was writing while he was working on Ulysses, and we can be certain that he intended to write such an intricate piece of text, but that still doesn’t change the fact that it’s the literal definition of intricacy, and that it would reach wider audiences if it weren’t so intricate. When it comes to content writing, it may be difficult to tell exactly how much a writer should be paid for the articles…, A lot of people might make the mistake of thinking that e-commerce and e-business are the same thing. Intricate, by definition (look it up if you need to), literally means very complicated or detailed. If you like the sound of intricate text, there are some ways that you can apply it to your writing.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'grammarhow_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])); To prevent your paragraphs from just being one big block of text, you need to make sure you add causes, separated by a connective or a comma. He would wake up, run and some birds, from time to time meet people. We’ll explain this with this example: say you saw a red car speeding down the street. I’m awful at grammar as well as I such as the vocabulary enhancement as well as the better modification ability due to the high visibility of my works. Intricate texts are somewhat frowned upon in the academic community (aside from quotes and giving examples) – this is because academic work should remain strict and to the point. Are URLs and Domain Names Case Sensitive? Are you alw… Anything other than that is very distracting and will likely lead the reader’s mind away from the point of the text. You can also try giving an insight into the thoughts of who you’re writing about. True bookworms enjoy reading, and authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are greatly enjoyed – his stories on Sherlock Holmes are great examples of incredibly descriptive writing establishing a perfect flow of adjectives that complement one another beautifully. You think baseball is not intricate? Grammarly doesn’t take your whole text into account – it rather checks it sentence by sentence, so if you’re writing a creative text you shouldn’t worry about the intricate text warning, as Grammarly isn’t a human being, and its algorithms don’t understand that what you’re doing isn’t bound by the rules of language economy. When you’re writing a novel, your goal is to tell a story, and if you want to tell the story of the red car, you need to make a statement about it. Have you ever been using Grammarly and wondered what it meant when it used the term “intricate text”? So, what is the phrase ‘intricate text’ in Grammarly? Receive tips on how to improve your text while typing an e-mail, a blog post or just a simple tweet. Which by the way, there weren’t any when I closed out. ), the terms may be specific, but the writing itself is simple), Grammarly will probably still label it as intricate text because of all the complicated terms used in that field. By the help of this spelling and grammar check, you will be able to simplify intricate writing style, and along with that, your content will touch the peak of immaculately. However, don’t be stubborn and insist that you know your writing perfectly and that you shouldn’t rethink it. Proto-Indo-European is the language that most western languages evolved from. Intricate text in Grammarly means that your text has a lot of subordinate clauses, parentheses, reverse verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Heavy stuff—maybe even better over the phone or in person. When you’re writing creatively, be it poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or even a blog – you shouldn’t restrict yourself to the language economy. The software program locates comma errors with simplicity, which is one of the most usual errors I viewed as a writing trainer. What is Intricate Text? Faced with this intricate text, Adams restrained his own penchant for large gestures. For example – even if you have a Ph.D. in the English language, reading Ulysses is going to be difficult for you as you will still find the writing intricate. The simple way: I saw a red car speeding down the street today. Let’s break “Entriace” down. Description and license types. However, you’ll probably find Dr. Doolittle pretty simple to read, while a six-year-old probably won’t. Grammarly can’t access anything you type unless you are using a Grammarly product, such as the browser extension or mobile keyboard. What is it about this mat that he likes? Intricate Text Meaning Grammarly. You may understand your text completely, but this doesn’t mean that Grammarly isn’t right about its complexity. Grammarly can certainly offer many features to users. What does Grammarly mean by the phrase, “intricate text”? You can also have an “intricate idea”. When done right, intricate text can add to your work and convey emotion, not just events. Your domain name is especially important since this is the primary headline of your brand, and it’s widely regarded…, It’s always important to gauge the value of your work properly. Rather than just explaining the course of events, you’re showing the emotion you want to get across. Having a surplus of words in your writing is both needlessly intricate and breaks the laws of language economy. Readers usually don’t notice good grammar, but bad grammar is painfully obvious. If you’re writing a novel, you should never enclose yourself within the limits of non-intricate text. Make sure you describe everything in a way that tells the reader something about it. There was something about the fabric that made him feel safe”.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'grammarhow_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',110,'0','0'])); “I was too tired to think. I’m horrible at grammar and also I such as the vocabulary renovation and the far better adjustment ability as a result of the high visibility of my works. Use your text to create a word list or an exercise. What Does Grammarly Mean By Intricate Text. How to Avoid GRAMMAR ERRORS Writing with perfect grammar is not easy, it's too hard to do unless you are very expert in grammar. Additionally, Grammarly is blocked from accessing anything you type in text fields marked “sensitive,” such as credit card forms or password fields. necessarily true when it comes to creative writing. Other authors would argue that too much intricate text can ruin your writing. Intricate things are usually very complicated and filled with lots of detail. And the way the softness of the butter would just melt into it would always make me happy”. similar ( 58 ) Nuance, intricate emotional life? What does “intricate text” mean? Make sure not to let this get to your head too much. Use the Oxford Text Checker to find out which words in any English text are included in our word lists.. See a detailed analysis of the vocabulary in your text. This is why intricate text is so closely related to the language economy, but they aren’t exactly the same thing. 1 The New Yorker. Give your thesis, provide evidence. Grammarly doesn’t take your whole text into account – it rather checks it sentence by sentence, so if you’re writing a creative text you shouldn’t worry about the intricate text warning, as Grammarly isn’t a human being, and its algorithms don’t understand that what you’re doing isn’t bound by the rules of language economy. Remember all of the writing techniques that your English teacher taught you! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. So, while the text about the red car may be intricate, it certainly isn’t breaking any language economy rules, as the goal is to both tell the story about the red car and tell it in an enjoyable way. In that, if you’re an expert on philosophy, reading an academic article on metaphysics probably isn’t too difficult for you. In writing, the intricate text means that your piece of writing is needlessly long and over-stylized. When Grammarly says “intricate text”, it’s saying that some of your writing is so detailed, that it can be difficult for the average reader to understand what it’s trying to say.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])); “Unsure of how much longer she could hold it in, the feathered animal perched herself in a spot where she felt safe and secure. When something is “intricate”, that means it’s filled with decorations, to make it look nicer. This is an idea that is very complicated and probably quite difficult for most people to understand. Buying and selling online has become wildly popular in the last decade, and it actually accounts for nearly…. “En” meant “in”, this is still the case in French. And if you decide that your writing really is too intricate and complex, it won’t be a problem for you to rewrite it in a better way. This, however, isn’t necessarily true when it comes to creative writing. “Whether or not”: 5 examples of how to use “whether or not” in a sentence, “No pun intended” meaning: 4 examples of how to use it in a sentence, “Thank you for reaching out to me”: Meaning & 4 Good Alternatives, “As per your request” meaning: 4 examples of how to use it in a sentence, “Mayhaps” meaning: 5 examples of how to use “mayhaps” in a sentence. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. If you realize that your writing doesn’t need any touching up to do, then you’ve only convinced yourself of your own writing quality. To put it all in a nutshell; don’t let Grammarly bind you to a specific way of writing. How was his day? What is Grammarly? However, Grammarly is basing its opinion on the average reader. This word comes from the Proto-Indo-European “Entriace”. Lately, we’ve been witnessing a real polarization of political…, Getting a complete grip on developing, web design and programming is usually considered to be completely impossible. Grammarly looks very similar to Gboard, though it is missing out on a few essential Gboard features. This isn’t uncommon, as these two terms are deeply intertwined and it’s perfectly normal for anyone to mistake them. Whilst some description is good, having too much, particularly about things that don’t matter, the reader can get bored quickly.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'grammarhow_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',107,'0','0'])); Intricate text will not be ideal for people who write non-fiction. 3 TechCrunch. To keep it simple; Grammarly’s saying that your text may be too needlessly complex and that you should think about rewriting it to keep it simple. Text 2: Anyway, sorry for being upset and I do understand you’ve got a lot happening, but wanted you to know. If you’re just trying to finish a piece of creative writing, then you shouldn’t bother yourself with intricacy and language economy. All the cells in all the organs are working together to make sure we function correctly. That’s because Grammarly’s basing its judgment on the average reader, and it’s saying “Hey, I’m an average reader and this is difficult for me.”. However, you also want your readers to enjoy it, and in order to enjoy it, the readers have to find your writing exciting, interesting, intriguing, suspenseful, beautiful…there are probably a million adjectives we could add on here. I copied and pasted it to Amazon, went back to the Grammarly file where my 99% typed review is and noticed it had errors. The massive growth documented in IT has attracted a lot of interest and has certainly redistributed the employment market. Despite Grammarly not understanding context and that will probably remain its greatest fault – it’s not a human proofreader – it will still notice intricacy where it really exists. However, no matter how much you’d like to express yourself, sometimes you’d like to keep your anonymity. Back then, they didn’t speak Italian, as they do now, they spoke Latin, a dead language which some people still talk today. When Grammarly tells you that you have “intricate text”, it’s just saying that you’re using more words than you need to to get your point across. It’s not just text that can be intricate. Now, we have no idea how Grammarly exactly developed their algorithms, as it’s a secret, but just because Grammarly’s saying that something’s intricate, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s intricate. 2 The New York Times - Sports. I spend for the premium bundle due to the fact that the included benefits deserve it to me. 1 The Guardian. It is the right place where you will find the most efficient content analysis tools by plagiarism-checker.me. By the help of this spelling and grammar check, you will be able to simplify intricate writing style, and along with that, your content will touch the peak of immaculately. You have to realize that all writing is somewhat aimed at language economy, meaning that you should always try to make your statement with as few words as possible. Find out more about our word lists > Therefore, we advise you not to rely exclusively on the results delivered by our tool and to review the text yourself after the correction. As an example, Grammarly currently does not sustain swipe inputting, though the firm says it is dealing with adding that feature. Grammarly is an American-based technology company that offers a digital writing assistance tool based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – Grammarly isn’t saying that you should immediately rewrite your work, just that you should take another look at it and consider simplifying it. Sign up It’s free. And she looked around for predators, she lost control of her body, and before she knew it what was once inside of her was now outside, just waiting for the day the creature within was ready to come out of it’s home, and enter the world of light and colour”.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'grammarhow_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])); Those of you who are into fiction and like getting lost in worlds created by authors might be big fans of intricate text. For example “an intricate network of canals”. I ran Grammarly with a handful of tests and made use of the program in my everyday writing for over a month to get a sense of just how handy it is. Non-fiction readers just want to know the facts! Grammarly is supposed to automatically detect potential grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, tone, and style mistakes in writing.It follows standard linguistic prescription, but it also makes mistakes. Look no further! But when done wrong, it can make things drag on, and bore your readers.Have you ever been using Grammarly and wondered what it meant when it used the term “intricate text”? “This was his life. These are a few of lots of pros this writing software application has to use. It … However, many people are confused by this term, as it’s often thrown around within the app, but there are a lot of users who don’t understand its meaning if it’s harmful to the text or not, and what exactly is the meaning of the intricate text. To improve your English spelling, you can also consult our online grammar module and our conjugator. Millions trust Grammarly’s free writing app to make their online writing clear and effective. Let’s get started. When there is a design filled with lots of pictures and patterns, you could say that it is an “intricate design”. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if you’re not writing for academic purposes, but rather for creative purposes. Getting your article published in a journal is no small feat, but it certainly increases the author’s reputation and can do a lot for their career. You’ve most likely noticed that the latter sentence is something you’d most likely read in a book, while the former is a simple statement. We could say “The bird laid an egg”. Grammarly has been presented to the market in a range of ways, from a sort of safety belt for writing to an all-purpose, do-everything option. In today’s article, we’ll be looking into Grammarly’s point of the intricate text, what does it mean within the limits of Grammarly, what does it mean in general writing, is it good or bad and how can you fix it if there’s any fixing to be done. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of intricate text. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Say goodbye to text-fails and start creating mistake-free content fast with the professional grammar check tool by Small SEO Tools.