How is Tom Robinson Disabled and why is this significant? Tom Robinson can't use his left hand, "I can't use my left hand at all. Tom Robinson, though convicted of this crime, was innocent. 1) How is Tom Robinson a mockingbird? I got it caught in a cotton gin when I was twelve years old. 4) What is the significance of the gifts Boo Radley leaves in the knothole? Tom Robinson. It is significant that Atticus got Tom's case rather than the newer lawyer because he is an experienced lawyer and even though they were not going to win, Atticus put up a good fight. His left arm is disabled, because it takes a left handed person to hit the right side of someone's face. 5) Why does the jury find Tom guilty? Before the Trial: Invisible Man Tom Robinson's name comes up long before he appears in person, but the main issue setting tongues wagging isn't whether Tom is innocent or guilty, but Atticus's resolve to give him a good defense. How is Tom Robinson disabled and why is this significant? All my muscles were tore loose." Why is it significant that the jury takes a long time deliberating their verdict. 2 See answers kurade160 kurade160 Answer: Hii very very good morning my dear friend. He is metaphorically and symbolically one of the "mockingbirds" in the novel, in the sense that he is a kind, innocent, and harmless man who doesn't think twice about helping others. They were truly considering Tom's innoence. Not true Tomas "Tom" Robinson is a main character from the 1960/2020 novel/film To Kill A Mockingbird. The evidence within the case shows that Tom Robinson is innocent because of Mayella Ewell, the young lady that claims she was raped, has most of her bruises on her right side, however, Tom Robinson’s left arm is completely useless. Atticus’s action makes him the object of scorn in Maycomb, but he is simply too impressive a figure to be scorned for long. Unable to abide the town’s comfortable ingrained racial prejudice, he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man. 2) What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize? Why Is Tom Robinson Considered a 'mockingbird'? 3) How did Jem break his arm? 7) Why is Dill an important character? How is Tom Robinson disabled and why is this significant. Topic- To Kill A MockingBird. In chapter 19, Tom Robinson takes the witness stand and makes the unfortunate mistake of admitting that he felt sorry for Mayella Ewell.In Maycomb's racist community, it … Tom could not have held Mayella down and done the damage on her with one hand. 6) What role does Calpurnia play in the family and in the novel? A 25-year-old black man whom Atticus defends in a court case against the Ewells. The jury took a long time, and someone even voted in Tom… By Staff Writer Last Updated Mar 25, 2020 1:09:02 AM ET In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the character Tom Robinson, who is a black man can be identified as a "mockingbird" because he is falsely accused of raping a white woman — a crime for which he is shot to death. Like Boo Radley, Tom Robinson isn't just an individual.He's also a litmus test for Maycomb's racism—and, unfortunately for him, it fails. Tom Robinson was crippled in his left arm because when he was 12 he got his arm caught in a cotton gin pulling his muscles out of the socket.