Falwell began a paid leave of absence earlier in August after a string of embarrassing incidents, including a picture Falwell posted to social media that showed him with his pants unzipped, drink in hand, and arm around a woman. The affair was said to be short-lived and Falwell and his wife reconciled quickly. I came to realize that while it may be easy to judge others on their behavior, the King James Bible reminds us - 'Thou shalt not commit adultery, but I sayeth unto you, that whoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.' He alleges that he was not spending enough time with his wife and that he acknowledged this as a role in the affair as he forgave her. He added that he saw the hostel as a good opportunity to introduce his son and Granda to real estate investing, the Times reports. He was president of Liberty University, founded by his father, before he was recently placed on indefinite leave for a controversy surrounding a racy Instagram photo. Jerry Falwell Jr. has revealed his wife had an affair with a pool boy, who he says later tried to extort the couple. Shortly thereafter, Becki had an inappropriate personal relationship with this person, something in which I was not involved – it was nonetheless very upsetting to learn about. Although Falwell did not name the man, the Washington Examiner identified him as Giancarlo Granda. He likened the depression he experienced as a result of learning about the affair to "living on a rollercoaster.". Falwell and his wife Becki, pictured, claimed that they decided to go public as Granda was threatening them but Granda has since said that the 'WHOLE truth will come out', The Falwells met Granda, a pool boy, at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach (pictured) in 2012 and befriended him. “Becki and I forgave each other, because while her indiscretion may have been more obvious and apparent, I realized that there were important smaller things I needed to do better too,” he said. Pictured: Falwell and Granda. The comments below have not been moderated. My family members eventually made an investment in a local property, included him in the deal because he could play an active role in managing it, and became close with him and his family. A 2018 phone call where Jerry Falwell Jr. tells the pool boy his wife had been having an affair with not to make her jealous with stories of dating other women has emerged. Politically, the reason this is relevant is because Granda allegedly had texts and photos of Becki Falwell in compromising positions. Naked Photos Have Surfaced In The Bizarre Jerry Falwell … 'Becki and I forgave each other, because while her indiscretion may have been more obvious and apparent, I realized that there were important smaller things I needed to do better too,' Falwell claimed, before adding that he is now seeking professional help. The hostel in question was purchased in 2013 for $4.7million in cash. We finally decided that we had to further withdraw completely from him, which resulted in him stepping up his threats to share more outrageous and fabricate claims about us (under the guise of that business entity). During the years that followed, we got to know his family and other loved ones, good people who also really care about him. Eventually, he began threatening to publicly reveal this secret relationship with Becki and to deliberately embarrass my wife, family, and Liberty University unless we agreed to pay him substantial monies,' Falwell claimed. The couple were staying at the Fontainebleau hotel, which boasts a party scene that is a far-cry from the strict code of conduct at Falwell's Liberty University. More than 500 of the DVLA's 6,000 workers in Swansea have caught coronavirus since March - as workers accuse... Britain's coronavirus cases fall again amid 'scaremongering' row: Scientists play down more deadly variant... People who have received first Covid-19 jab must stay at home for THREE WEEKS, says Jonathan Van-Tam as... Diary of a paramedic: We're now rushing a lot of younger patients into hospital and a father, 45, and... What it's like helping Britain to jab its way to freedom: DR ELLIE CANNON tells how vaccine is bring joy to... Britain delivers a record 480,000 Covid-19 vaccines in a day - putting it on track to hit 15m first doses... Kate Moss jets into curfew-hit Paris for birthday weekend at £2,500-per-night Ritz with her boyfriend... Porton Down scientists are 'confident' that all mutant strains of coronavirus can be beaten with vaccines. Thanks to the help of the Board and the extraordinary Liberty faculty, executives, staff and community, we have ensured the University's sustained growth and financial health while providing the best and most modern on-campus and online educational and spiritual resources to a wider range of students both in person and through digital platforms. 'I shouldn't have been afraid to admit my vulnerabilities and to reach out for assistance from the mental health professionals who could have alleviated this pain and stress,' he said. I am committed to speaking out and sharing with others at Liberty the importance of seeking counseling instead of thinking you need to be tough and try to bear these burdens on your own. Cohen added that the payoff 'never happened and the guy just either deleted them on his own or what have you'. The trauma of this experience has brought us to a very challenging point in our lives, but we are strong, our faith in Christ is greater than ever, and with His help and with those in the community who we love and who appreciate the impact of forgiveness, we will get through this. Falwell's statement came on the heels of a report that the Liberty University President asked Cohen in 2015 to help make some 'personal' photos disappear, while the lawsuit was underway. This article is more than 5 months old. My family has been blessed with the opportunity to serve Christ and our community over the past 50 years - from when my father founded Liberty in the early 1970's through today. Cohen described the pictures to Arnold as 'terrible' and the sort that would typically be kept 'between husband and wife,' according to a recorded conversation reviewed by Reuters. Meet the scandal-hit son Trump is hoping will cost Joe Biden... California Superior Court judge orders Trump to pay $43,000... SNP vows to UNILATERALLY hold a second Scottish independence referendum if Sturgeon wins May election - and... We can vaccinate ALL teachers, say schools: Heads send Boris a plan for huge seven-day operation  to... Disney+ blocks under-sevens from watching 'racist' Peter Pan, Dumbo and The Aristocats for breaching... We're sadder, poorer... and fatter: Mail on Sunday survey finds Britain is suffering under lockdown - but... PETER HITCHENS: So is this really an epidemic of despair? Details On Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Wife And Her Alleged Affair With Pool Boy. Jerry Falwell Jr married wife Becki Tilley in 1987. Becki once developed an "inappropriate relationship" with a pool boy that worked at one of their Florida properties. We encouraged him to pursue an education and a career and we were impressed by his initiative in suggesting a local real estate opportunity. After they came up with the idea for the hostel, Granda went back to Fernandez Jr., and asked him to consult with his father, who 'was very experienced in real estate ventures,' according to the complaint. Jesus Fernandez Sr. and Jesus Fernandez Jr. claimed that they helped start the Alton Hostel in Miami Beach with Granda in 2013 with the financial aid of Falwell. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. He was soon hiking and water skiing in Virginia with the couple, Falwell reportedly gave Granda part of the money to purchase this Florida hostel in 2013, Jesus Fernandez Sr and Jesus Fernandez Jr sued, alleging that Falwell and Granda cut them out of the deal involving a hostel in Miami, Florida. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Based on information from other sources, we believe that he may have targeted other successful women in similar ways. Entertainment And News. We have categorically rejected this person's demands while dealing with him and this particular member of the media who seemed just as obsessed with the prurient, untrue aspects of this story, however fantastic.