Black Vultures have a discreet and reclusive family life. Vultures are known to strip meat, skin and even feathers, leaving only the skeleton of the animal remaining, however, some vultures will also eat bones, along with the other parts of an animal. Black vultures don't have a good sense of smell, as do their cousins, turkey vultures, who have large olfactory bulbs that enables them to sniff dead meat as they circle high in the sky. This article goes over some interesting facts about the way Black Vultures find … Black vultures are primarily scavengers that play an important in our local ecosystem, cleaning up dead and decaying animal carcasses. "They took 45 to 50 minutes to eat the body." Whereas Turkey Vultures are lanky birds with teetering flight, Black Vultures are compact birds with broad wings, short tails, and powerful wingbeats. Black vultures occasionally attack small, weak animals, like skunks or young livestock, according to several websites about birds. Shorter wings and tail make it appear smaller than Turkey Vulture, but looks are deceptive: body size is about Adding, "When we first went out in the helicopter looking for the body, we saw numerous vultures without realizing what they were doing." Black vultures eat carrion, which are the dead carcasses of other creatures. What do they eat? When Black Vultures consume food containing DDT, the pesticide can accumulate in their fatty tissues, and eventually result in eggshell-thinning and reduced reproductive success. Beliefs, Superstitions, and Phobias About the Vulture In some cultures, the corpses of humans are deliberately left in the open for vultures to eat them. Additionally, do black vultures attack dogs? http://Ojatro.comhttp://Ojatroblog.blogspot.comThe Black Vulture is a scavenger and feeds mainly on carrion such as road kill. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Black vultures circled beneath a leaden sky, swooping down close to the tombstones in a Marietta cemetery in search of something dead to eat. But they mainly eat carrion and will often scavenge in landfills and dumpsters. Black Vulture’s nests, eggs, and chicks are well known, but most of this information comes from a relatively small number of nests. Black vultures can predominantly be found in the open woodland areas and low mountain forest areas of South America and the southeastern United States. Vultures seldom attack healthy animals, however, they may kill a wounded or sick animal. They are carnivorous, meaning they only eat meat. Vulture eggs are incubated for 38 – 68 days (depending on the species), and only 10% of the chicks survive their first year. Typically, the material is simply discarded after it’s ripped from the vehicle. With sooty black plumage, a bare black head, and neat white stars under the wingtips, Black Vultures are almost dapper. In low flight, it proceeds with several quick flaps followed by a flat-winged glide; when rising thermals provide good lift, it soars very high above the ground. Black Vultures decreased in some parts of the United States during the DDT era of the 1940s to the early 1970s. They will eat dead mammals that they find. Abundant in the southeast, scarce in the southwest is this broad-winged scavenger. Rubber and vinyl certainly isn’t a part of their natural diet, and they only rarely eat any of it. Usually seen in flocks. Unlike turkey vultures, which eat carrion and do not attack live animals, black vultures target both living and dead animals. The Times notes this incident may ignite the cries of area farmers who want permission to shoot the griffon vultures , a protected species.