Revenge. As it turns out, colors can mean different things for different people. Your aura is in the white spectrum if you got from twenty-six to thirty-two stars. (Remember, only you can determine what your true aura is! o > 2 && e.push("blue"); Your aura is the energy field that surrounds the body. The Color Of Your Aura Is Reflective Of Your Physical, Emotional, And Spiritual … In-Person Readings. Indigo: Imaginative, daydreamer, curious, deep inner feelings, sometimes lacks self-esteem, gentle, unassuming, introvert, calm and modest. ▶ If you get Orange as your aura color then it means you are creative, energetic, and adventurous. for (var M = 0; M < N.length; M++) N[M].checked && ("A" == N[M].value ? 2. Stemming from the Greek word for “breeze,” our auras indicate our moods, emotions, and overall vibe. I am known for my imperturbable nature and respond well to deadlines and pressure induced environment. I am a techno-geek who has an affinity for latest technology and devices. I like to maintain a low profile and rarely feel the need to draw attention towards myself. Unaffected. Getting back to basics, an aura is the energy field that a person puts out, based on what they're feeling, the experiences they have had, where they're at in life, etc. Ever felt that strange feeling of friendliness or intimidation when a stranger walked into the room? An aura is an intangible yet powerful reflection of your self that can unveil your inner thoughts, feelings, and personality. 5. My friends think of me as a good teacher and a counselor as I have solution for almost every problem. For someone experienced with auras, this energy field is like an open book that can reveal important details about the person. Yes B. 3. The answer is aura. Everything outside of your aura belongs to somebody or something else.” A Free Aura Reading A) A bouquet of roses. « ». 2. w += e[j], document.getElementById("personalityCheckAns").innerHTML = w If a majority of your answers were “B”—Your aura is predominantly orange.If a majority of your answers were “C”—Your aura is predominantly yellow.If a majority of your answers were “D”—Your aura is predominantly green.If a majority of your answers were “E”—Your aura is predominantly blue.If a majority of your answers were “F”—Your aura is predominantly indigo.If a majority of your answers were “G”—Your aura is predominantly violet.If your answers are evenly divided between two or three colors, this means your aura color fluctuates between those particular colors, or you may always have a combination of those colors in your aura.After taking the test, if you feel it was personally inconclusive, take heart. There are very positive aura color meanings here. Depressed. When you're in a bad mood, it's because you are: Irritable. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. To begin with, we chose 6 magical stones, 6 distinctive gems which radiate different cosmic energy. This quiz is just somebody else's opinion!) Your colors may show an active, engaging spirit, one that is more connected with the world around you in a thoughtful or emotional way, or a highly evolved spiritual being. Are also highly intelligent and very intuitive, and incredibly good organizers and can motivate and inspire others. What Color Is Your Aura? No. The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds every creature that exists. t += 1 : "B" == I[M].value && (r += 1), y = t + r); Everything inside of it is your personal domain. A form of energy emanating from your body, your aura can tell a lot about you, from your personality to your innermost emotions and conflicts. 1. When someone treats you badly, you get: Mad. Sometimes you see flashing lights or hear ringing in your ears. You lean more towards the spiritual than the … 3. The human aura is a 7-layer psycho-spiritual energy field, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It somewhat looks like those luminous patterns that we see after we rub our eyes, only with more prominent colors. You may have more than one color category with equal number of ‘yes’ responses. Sad. These color vibrations can be perceived or “seen” clearly by clairvoyant psychics. l += 1 : "B" == T[M].value && (g += 1), v = l + g); 1. Knowing your aura color or colors will enable you to harness your energy, heighten your vibrations, and develop your consciousness and spirituality. Each of the aura colors represent a person?s mood or physical health and also reflect the condition of their chakras. You can be innovative, creative, and intelligent. Revenge. No, 3. [CDATA[ These cookies do not store any personal information. All living things are surrounded by an aura, which is an oval-shaped, colored band of sound, light and vibration. This statement fits you:a) I anger easily.b) I like physical activities.c) I dislike rules.d) I communicate easily.e) I love to help others.f) I daydream.g) I enjoy learning new things. I tend to express myself through my physical body and my sexuality more than through my emotions * Yes. And whether or not you can detect them, what do those colors mean?According to many metaphysical practitioners and believers, aura colors are caused by vibrations. Your aura is violet! 5. w = "Your aura color is "; They thrive … 3. Yes B. In this test, you … Of course, we all know the main colors, such as yellow, red, orange, green, etc. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. For example, many psychics, psychic mediums, healers and empaths who are sensitive to the vibrations of each layer can either visually see or physically sense the colors. n > 2 && e.push("orange"); Community Contributor. People with a gold aura have a love for the finer things in life. The patterns emanate from the body as vibrations, and the human eye can be trained to perceive these vibrations as colors.Just as we cannot hear sound waves with the human ear, aura colors are visible only to a minority of people. … The Aura Color Test provides you with deep psychic insight, and will help you live a better life based on the color of your Aura. You lean more towards the spiritual than the … Continue to keep that distance and slowly move your hands down the body, not only at the sides, but also around the entire body. According to many metaphysical practitioners and believers, aura colors are caused by vibrations. I can be impatient and impetuous―I often rush into taking decisions with no regard for the consequences. The letter you pick the most will help determine your aura-color explanation.1. The aura is a glowing light that radiates off the body, similar to a light radiating from a light bulb. A. Through this Mysticurious article, unearth the color of your aura, and find out its meaning with a simple quiz. and represent being in a guided, channeled … No. I don’t pick up infections easily and enjoy a robust health that helps me in physical activities. An aura, often mistakenly spelled ora, is the energy (electromagnetic) that radiates about the body from the various main chakras that line up from the top of your head to the base of your spine. An aura color definition of the human body could be “the energy from a person, formed by subtle color radiances surrounding the physical body”. CES 2021: Telemedicine Lauded as Healthcare Success Story of 2020, Health and Wellness Take Center Stage at CES 2021, With New Devices for At-Home Physical Therapy, Improved Hearing, Blood Glucose Monitoring, and More. Doing so can alter the results, and you will not be able to know your true aura color. This Aura Test is different though. I am a good communicator and organizer, and like taking leading roles in tasks. Orange: Courageous, adventurous, thoughtful, considerate, self-assured, detail-oriented, and sometimes a lack in self-discipline. Violet: Idealistic, most sensitive and wisest of the colors, a seeker of truth, independent, intellectual, extroverted and authoritative. How are your aura colors influencing YOU - your love life, money, health, happiness and more? We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! I am overtly emotional and moody, and often drown myself in self-pity. Every atom and molecule in the universe translates itself into patterns. Every atom and molecule in the universe translates itself into patterns. No, 5. } Which of the following is your favorite?a) Flowersb) Chocolatec) Shoesd) Rings, Earringse) Home Furnishingsf) Makeupg) Candlelight Dinner. That indicates a person whose aura changes quite frequently.Aura Color MeaningsNow that you have chosen your color, what do the colors mean? However, generally speaking, most people do answer to the standard scale. But don’t be disheartened, as our quiz will help you discover your aura color. Fancy possessions? Every person has an aura, and auras are all always active, changing shape and color based on the person’s overall experiences throughout their lifetime and day-to-day events. As your mood and perspective changes over time, so does the nature of your aura. No, 3. I cannot harness my feelings and emotions, and tend to be jumpy. The 6 Best and 5 Worst Candies for Your Health, Racism in Healthcare: Why Culturally Congruent Care Matters, What Is Color Blindness? function divtextreset() { I have this ‘devil-may-care’ attitude towards life that often gets me into trouble. However, there is a test that can help you determine the actual color of your aura. 3. (Remember, only you can determine what your true aura is! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Are bestowed with sensitivity, intuitiveness, psychic ability and practicality. I refrain from making commitments and usually avoid taking responsibilities. I refrain from making commitments and usually avoid taking responsibilities. However, there is a test that can help you determine the actual color of your aura. Violet relates to the pineal gland and nervous system. 5. But then there are different shades within those main colors that add subtlety to your aura. function checkAura() { A. 5. I feel that I have a deep spiritual side to me that enables me to be more creative and artistic. Sign up for our Healthy Living Newsletter! Yes B. I don’t have a big circle of friends but a handful of them who love, respect, and admire me for the way I am. Sad. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Intuitional Aura Layer. 3. 1. A. You can consider Karen a psychic life coach, and she will pull energy and expertise from many different areas during your … This is the electromagnetic energy.So, if you can feel the aura, but you cannot see it, how do you know what the aura color is? ▶ If you get Violet as your aura color, then it means you are spiritual, authoritative, and artistic. This is so accurate. I am inclined more towards unconventionality and creativity. A. Curious What Color You Aura Is? In turn, it defines the limits of your personal creative universe. A white aura shows you have achieved balance. What Color Is Your Aura? With this test you can find out if you are fit to use … } else if (e.length >= 1) { Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling. What is it that leads you to build an opinion (a tentative one, though) about a person you have never seen in your life before? Definitely not. My aesthetic antenna is very active by the virtue of which I have a very classy and discerning taste. An aura is an emanation of energy surrounding one’s body, and it varies throughout time depending on experiences and circumstances of each individual. You would describe yourself as:a) A lonerb) A risk-takerc) Spontaneousd) A nature lovere) A good listenerf) A visionaryg) Extremely sensitive4. Or you could get a weird feeling in your stomach. The human aura is also sometimes referred to as a psychic energy field. First of all, you are creative. According to Grace, your aura consists of seven auric layers (also known as bodies or planes), and each one represents something different. This is because every person has multiple layers of auras, and you may have two distinct aura colors. The purple individuals have knowledge and intuition. The Color Of Your Aura Is Reflective Of Your Physical, Emotional, And Spiritual … Many aura readers make the mistake of using the standard color-to-emotion scale when reading a person's aura. I don’t have a big circle of friends but a handful of them who love, respect, and admire me for the way I am. Remember, tick ‘yes’ to only those statements that best describe yourself and not the ones that you think ‘you should be’ or what ‘people expect you to be’. In some cases, you may not be able to talk the right way. But then there are different shades within those main colors that add subtlety to your … For someone experienced with auras, this energy field is like an open book that can reveal important details about the person. 3. INDIGO AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. I am fiercely independent and like to keep rein of my life, relationships, and career in my hand. The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds everyone; this form of energy can tell a lot about you, from your personality to your innermost emotions and conflicts. by Olivia Chainey. This is an online aura color test and you will find a number of sites that have it. Of course, we all know the main colors, such as yellow, red, orange, green, etc. I fly into passion easily―be it temper or love. Often times, people will ask what it means if their aura colors are dark or light or what the different aura colors mean. Take this astrology quiz to discover just how much you really know about astrology and the way the stars affect your life. Others say you are:a) Well-groundedb) Bravec) Creatived) Love-centered e) Highly spiritualf) Imaginative g) Independent6. Yes B. Aura Color TestChoose only one answer for each of the following questions. My introvert nature is often misconstrued as snobbish, reserved, and weird. Yes B. Select the answer that sounds most like you. q = "Your aura colors are ", n += 1 : "B" == A[M].value && (s += 1), B = n + s); This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I am a thrill-seeker and love to feel the ‘kick’ in the face of danger. } c > 2 && e.push("violet"); By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Congratulations! If a health issue arises, it will be due to anxiety. My friends think of me as a good teacher and a counselor as I have solution for almost every problem. Aura Color Test Results Tally your answers for the aura color test. The aura color wheel consists of seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. While it is easy to see other people’s auras, it is difficult to see your own, let one understanding its significance. The Aura Color Test. Read the following color category statements and choose the option ‘yes’ if you feel it resonates with your true nature. 1. Are also highly intelligent and very intuitive, and incredibly good organizers and can motivate and inspire others. Is astrology your barometer for discovering compatibility? A white aura shows you have achieved balance. Yes B. a > 2 && e.push("green"); The following aura color guide will help you to interpret the colors of your aura. Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention. Do you rely on astrology to discover more about how to fulfill your needs, achieve your potential, or establish a love relationship? Everyday Health is among the federally registered trademarks of Everyday Health, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission. No. I have always had strong concepts and views about life since an early age and don’t like adhering to other’s beliefs and commands. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. for (var M = 0; M < A.length; M++) A[M].checked && ("A" == A[M].value ? Bear You are very tough and protective of your friends and family and are easily taunted and angered. Which of the following most closely describes your personality?a) Energetic and forcefulb) Thoughtful and consideratec) Healthy and friendlyd) Sociable and people persone) Caring and helpfulf) Spiritual and humbleg) Tender and sympathetic2. However, generally speaking, most people do answer to the standard scale. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! I take time to blend with my surroundings and feel comfortable with my circle of friends and family. The eyes are the concern for indigo-aura people. Your weakness: You tend to run off and be shy with people you don't know. Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team Yes B. The most sensitive and wisest of colors. Aura Color Meanings List. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Sometimes people with a violet aura color have psychic power. Your aura is violet! l > 2 && e.push("yellow"); Color category that will have maximum number of ‘yes’ responses will be your aura color. There is another method you can use to decipher your aura color. Settle on the one that best describes you, or is closest. No, 2. I am fiercely competitive, self-confident and have pragmatic approach towards life. In some cases, you may not be able to talk the right way. People with your aura are really creative or artistic, and enjoy writing, drawing or playing music. Select the answer that sounds most like you. First of all, you are creative. if (e.length > 1) { Likewise, there are many “tests” which try to determine what your aura thirsts for. These colors typically do not change. Health issues relate to the spleen.Green: Social, love people, animals and nature, good communicator, perfectionist, quick-witted, organizer, impatient, trustworthy, nurturing. Essentially, before we can even exchange hellos, our auras make the first impression for us. 5. No. 3. I fly into passion easily―be it temper or love. I am highly optimistic and usually approached by friends for prep talks. No. Finding and analyzing auras takes time and practice. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Edgar Cayce, founder of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, believed that one’s aura color is the reflection of the soul, mind and spirit. People who are sensitive to these vibrations can even see the colors of auras. Your weakness: You tend to run off and be shy with people you don't know. Often times, people will ask what it means if their aura colors are dark or light or what the different aura colors mean. Yes B. noofquestions = 35; I cannot harness my feelings and emotions, and tend to be jumpy. 7. If you tend to wear a lot of black or tan, what color accessories do you wear? No, 2. Yes B. I take time to blend with my surroundings and feel comfortable with my circle of friends and family. I am overtly emotional and moody, and often drown myself in self-pity. Overall, you are:a) Realisticb) Confidentc) Optimisticd) Outgoinge) Intuitivef) Curiousg) Idealistic5. Yes B. If you get Yellow as your aura color, then it means you are optimistic, easy-going, and intelligent. If a majority of your answers were “A”—Your aura is predominantly red. Yes B. 2. } else document.getElementById("personalityCheckAns").innerHTML = "Your aura did not correspond to any category." These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There are times when I am over-critical about myself and feel the need to be perfect all the time. I have a way with words and can articulate my feelings, ideas, and views effectively. for (var M = 0; M < C.length; M++) C[M].checked && ("A" == C[M].value ? Aura colors are not permanent; in fact, a person's aura changes throughout their life depending on their mental and physical health. In turn, it defines the limits of your personal creative universe. q += e[j], document.getElementById("personalityCheckAns").innerHTML = q To put it simply, an aura is a vibrant ray of color composed of energy that flows around living things. Yes B. The outer bands in your aura change all the time – depending on what is happening in your life at that time. Show all. I feel that I have been sent to make a difference in people’s lives and love caring for the planet and animals. 5. Call an advisor on Keen today, and gain insight and information into the personal, invaluable resource of your energy field. Depressed. This Quiz Will Reveal All And Then Some. Aura colors are not permanent; in fact, a person's aura changes throughout their life depending on their mental and physical health. Health issues usually stem from the kidney or reproductive organs. Absolute Aura Layer Ideally, your aura goes all the way around your body and encases you like the shell of an egg. The aura or energy field, is the body of energy that lies in and around the physical body. Aura Colors Quiz. 4. « ». 1. 3. Likewise, there are many “tests” which try to determine what your aura thirsts for. Without taking your eyes off the forehead, scan the outer edges of the head, shoulders and arms. 30% of 69392 quiz participants had this profile! Which one do you wear the most? Check your closet. But the human eye is gradually gaining the power to see aura colors. CES 2021: What Is the Post-Pandemic Future for Telehealth and Digital Health Technology? A. I don’t pick up infections easily and enjoy a robust health that helps me in physical activities. No. for (j = 0; j < e.length - 1; j++) q += e[j], q += ", "; Are bestowed with sensitivity, intuitiveness, psychic ability and practicality. Numerous devices presented at CES 2021 reflected health needs brought to the foreground by the COVID-19 pandemic, including a wearable air purifier, a... Health technology experts review the innovations that have helped consumers maintain their well-being during the pandemic and how they may continue to... With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, CES 2021 goes all-digital, emphasizing the need more than ever for tech that keeps us safe and connected. ... Social Support May Help Menopausal Symptoms, but Just Having a Close Pal Isn’t Enough, FDA Watch: Metformin Recall Expanded, Injectable HIV Regimen Okayed, Another COVID-19 Vaccine May Seek Approval Soon, Tippi Coronavirus: Tips for Living With COVID-19. 7. When you're in a bad mood, it's because you are: Irritable. The aura also holds a multitude of information about one’s past, present and future. You can be innovative, creative, and intelligent. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. if (noofquestions > Y) alert("Please answer all questions..."); A. I have a way with words and can articulate my feelings, ideas, and views effectively. … I am fiercely independent and like to keep rein of my life, relationships, and career in my hand. Understanding your own aura (or that of others) can help heal disease before it manifests in the physical, or transform emotional wounds. var Y = y + B + v + p + E + f + k, If the white around these areas is brighter, you have just witnessed the presence of an aura.Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen for you the first time. 3. u += 1 : "B" == H[M].value && (h += 1), f = u + h); You think of yourself as: a) Tenaciousb) Strongly motivatedc) Focused on a plan of actiond) A person with a benevolent character e) A person with well-developed instinctsf) A modest individualg) A person who remembers her dreams8. for (j = 0; j < e.length - 1; j++) w += e[j], w += ", "; 4. Your aura is in the white spectrum if you got from twenty-six to thirty-two stars. You love peace, and don't understand why people have to have wars or be mean to each other! A. Finding and analyzing auras takes time and practice. Just as we cannot hear sound waves with the human ear, aura colors are visible only to a minority of people. ▶ If you get Yellow as your aura color, then it means you are optimistic, easy-going, and intelligent. VIOLET AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. Congratulations! 5. They always try to share, and are generally very nice people. 5. c += 1 : "B" == L[M].value && (i += 1), k = c + i); Red Aura Color Meaning A. When someone treats you badly, you get: Mad. Everything outside of your aura belongs to somebody or something else.” A Free Aura Reading This quiz is just somebody else's opinion!) As it turns out, colors can mean different things for different people. Everything inside of it is your personal domain. Yellow: Laid-back, playful, creative, friendly, optimistic, avoids conflict, feelings are easily hurt, timid and mental alertness. Each aura color also correlates with one of the body's main seven chakras, with red being the root all the way up to white, the crown. My introvert nature is often misconstrued as snobbish, reserved, and weird. 3. Gold. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. If you are human, leave this field blank. I am a good communicator and organizer, and like taking leading roles in tasks. A. I am easily bored and jump from one thing to other. … I prize myself at my ability to be intuitive and innovative. The purple individuals have knowledge and intuition. Here are some words that best describe personal traits that match aura colors:Red: Strong-willed, straightforward, energetic, forceful, well-grounded, hard worker, team player, active, competitive, realistic, impulsive and overwhelmed by change.