KNOW YOUR VALUE! This is so breathtakingly beautiful in the book of Esther. Redeemer Savior. How to access the Excellent Spirit Have you ever heard of the bible characters: Daniel, Joseph, Esther, or Nehemiah? Just like He did for the Esther(while saving her life), He will do so for you too. I am not sure how much of what was said regarding the prophetic need for an “Esther anointing” was actually rooted in McClain-Walters’ teaching or if it was expanded by the teachers and Instagram influencers who adopted its title. Esther 2:12: “Each young woman’s turn came to go in to King Ahasuerus after she had completed twelve months’ preparation, according to the regulations for the women, for thus were the days of their preparation apportioned: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women”. The usual answer is to tell people to pray but you know that’s not always your thing, intercession is a gift too. You’ve performed aformidable process aand our whole neighborhood will likely be thankfսl to you. Except on this point it’s important to emphasize what enabled the beloved Esther to follow what God wanted for her to do. I have read the book Esther but not with meaning , how to re-read it again with God’s understanding and meaning thank you for these 10 points, You’re welcome Bridget!, the book of Esther is amazing and this post only covers the beginning! © Copyright 2021. Glory be to Him forever. 10 Truths From The Book Of Esther That’ll Change Your Life, 10 Inspiring Quotes By Biblical Women You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner, Top 40 Billy Graham Quotes To Know And Change Your Life, 10 Bible Verses To Start Your Day With Morning Prayer, Book Of Ruth: 7 Incredible Hidden Gems Every Christian Woman Should Know. The Holy Spirit has been highlighting a particular name to me everywhere in recent is the name Esther. I want them out of the darkness, because I do love and hear them, they matter a great deal to me’. The vessel is en route to the port of Pembroke, sailing at a speed of 14.0 knots and expected to arrive there on Jan 17, 17:00.. This ministry seeks to aid and equip every believer to realize their real divine purpose as we believe that every believer has a role to play in the Kingdom of God, no matter how great or small. All Rights Reserved. Thank you and may our beautiful Lord Jesus bless you greatly! This event in the book of Esther is an amazing symbol of how our beautiful God will do things for us, and how He will give us more than we even ask. When I explained this to her she was so happy to hear that she too had an active part in God’s kingdom. We must pray everyday not only for being able to listen better to God, but have the humility of Esther, the humility to listen. Because to face issues in life, you MUST go to the presence of the Lord. Esther 5:3: “And the king said to her, “What do you wish, Queen Esther? So, thank you! Thank you for posting this I love it! Evil was exposed by Esther's courage and then destroyed. You’re welcome Marbella, glad I could help you understand the AMAZING meaning of the book of Esther with these 10 points! It’s there to transform, to edify, to strengthen, to comfort, and to bless your faith. The Spirit of Esther Ministry is modeled after the life of Queen Esther from the bible. She is a possible nominee for the Supreme Court Justice. In the narrative, Ahasuerus seeks a new wife after his queen, Vashti, refuses to obey him, and Esther is chosen for her beauty.The king's chief adviser, Haman, is offended by Esther's cousin and guardian, Mordecai, and gets permission from the king to have all the Jews in the kingdom killed. They leveraged their power to do good for themselves and others with less influence. Be blessed fellow followers of Christ our Lord. Esther and Vashti were not passive pawns in the Persian Empire. The Bible also doesn’t say what was it that Hegai ordered, but it must have been important, because he was the king’s eunuch. It’s SO great to hear that Tracie. Esther was physically beautiful, greatly used by God, and also an orphan. Kyolaba it is SUCH a blessing to hear that. Anyway over the next few days God kept whispering the name Mordecai to me. I didn’t know ANYTHING about her. In my older post called Fasting with a Purpose – Hit the Target Pt. My child, even in the days of Esther, Haman (the Agagite *) did not realize that he was not merely coming against My people, but he was trying to destroy My inheritance. I am oh so much more humbled by this story. Superb post however , I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this subject?I’d be very grateful if you could elaboratea little bit further. Esther contained True Beauty that showed in her demeanor as well as her appearance. She managed to create a schedule so that she would always have different maids on Shabbat , so that no one would become aware that When the internal is elevated and beautiful it will show through to the external during this time period she was doing anything different. November 14, 2017 at 12:15 AM The bible is the road map to living life it needs to be follwu. Thank you so much for these 10 amazing truths from the book of Esther. What an awe inspiring Word for me today. We see God's interaction with man's will, his hatred of racial prejudice, his power to give wisdom and help in times of danger. He will hold up His end of the “bargain”. Will you help them?” And of course I said ‘Yes’. It’s a book about becoming a modern-day Esther. To love, watch, encourage and support others. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”. CB38 The Story of Esther and its Meaning (Edition 2.0 20040102-20070204) The story of Esther is about a young Jewish girl who marries the king of Persia, although the meaning of the Book of Esther is much more involved than that. This young woman, who was also known as Esther, had a lovely figure and was beautiful. What is your request? I m so blessed! Mordecai was only her cousin. When he speaks and that I will know that is God and know one else. It’s doesn’t matter how much death, chaos, disorder, problems there were in the book of Esther(or in your life). How wonderful Lord did in Ester life? Beautifully written! My name is Esther, am an orphan , I felt every word in this content like it were meant for me. . Haman was unmasked by Queen Esther and exposed for the dirty rat that he was! 14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place,”. imagine what prayer and fasting can really do. Esther 4:15: “Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: 16 “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. This passage on the book of Esther is a symbol from God on how all things for our beautiful Lord have requirements and a process.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'redeemersavior_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',141,'0','0'])); Just like He did for Esther, the Lord has a special “beautifying” process for you.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'redeemersavior_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',118,'0','0'])); Like praying, studying the Word of God and living a holy lifestyle are some of the requirements before we meet with our beloved Savior and king Jesus Christ when He comes again. I love this book and the example that God intended for us to see in the life of Esther. Life isn’t going to be always perfect, but the book of Esther brings one of the most comforting truths ever: God is always there to REALLY help you. I am trying to figure out what the Lord is trying to show me, but O guess it’s just that He is faithful. May I have a Printable copy of this? God Bless you mightily.Esther Rebecca.❤. God Bless you! Esther also had her cousin Mordecai that watched in the natural and reported to her as a Queen, where the enemy is planning to attack God’s people and His Kingdom. The story comes to us out of the dusty, long distant past, but it finds a modern counterpart in each of our lives, for every Christian is a walking book of Esther. “If you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place”. This message really spoke to my spirit and the Esther anointing really is powerful. Esther was one of my favorite Bible studies that I’ve done. God is the glory and she sounds very faithful. Recently we had a Bible study where a lady was sad that at 88 years old she didn’t feel she could do anything for God. Spirit of Esther (SoE) is a non-for profit aimed to equip and empower Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) women and youth break the patterns of abuse and neglect within their communities. . That’s why Ephesians 3:20 confirms: Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. This is life changing message! They feel as though they do not matter. In the book of Esther, Hegai the king’s eunuch can symbolize the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who prepares us to meet with our King, our Lord Jesus, in his Second Coming. God knows what I needed today. But I heard the Lord say- Because of the prayers of Esther and the anointing of Elijah, the Jezebel spirit will be dethroned and the spirit of Haman impaled. It really opened my eyes to the Bible and to my walk with God. The one thing that each of these particular heroes of the bible have in common is they ascended to the top of their […] And this positions her to further step into her full purpose to accomplish one of God’s greatest miracles that saved the Israelites from total annihilation. Esther can represent us, the followers and disciples of our beloved Lord Jesus, who desperately NEED all the help we can get in this troublesome life. When Vashti ignored what her husband the king commanded, it was bad, very bad. God bless you X. Wawooo I have been so much inspired. This has inspired me to read Esther. I know He has a plan… he showed me a vision and said ”My daughters are in bondage. May God continually use you to strengthen our faith. The term spirit guide infers that these energies are positive in nature and become known to us to offer assistance in one way or another. Esther followed the process the Lord had for her, and so should you. Give glory to the Lord right now for that. I will work through you and people shall receive of the Lord great blessing in their inner most being. Without questioning. And we believe this purpose is mostly birthed from the person’s unique personality and skill. It makes the Book of Esther even more meaningful. 1, I refer back to Queen Esther and how Haman the evil prince convinced King Ahasuerus to legalize an evil decree to kill every Jew in the Persian Kingdom. Guides are always there to help in any situation; implanting a thought to assist in keeping you safe and they can become a constant part of your life if … Thank you! The 4 primary new things that I have been implementing into my spiritual arsenal are: 1) Luke 10:19 2) […] Much of the usage of the Esther anointing concept, though, was divorced from the actual book (which was written in 2014). This being said, we have created many different sub-ministries under the umbrella of this ministry to focus on each area. Read the Book of Esther Chapters 4-7. In the book of Esther, Hegai the king’s eunuch can symbolize the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who prepares us to meet with our King, our Lord Jesus, in his Second Coming. The story of Esther is one of drama and excitement that depicts heroes and villains. The Spirit of Esther Ministry is modeled after the life of Queen Esther from the bible. Esther is described in all versions of the Book of Esther as the Jewish queen of a Persian king Ahasuerus. As we crossed over into the new Hebraic year, I felt a supernatural shift in the spirit, and asked the Lord to reveal to me, on a deeper level, what it is He is speaking and doing right now pertaining to the anointing of Esther. There are a million lessons that could come out of this bold, beautiful statement of faith from the beloved Esther, but there is one that you must learn right now:eval(ez_write_tag([[970,90],'redeemersavior_com-leader-1','ezslot_1',122,'0','0'])); Never confront problems or the different situations in life without having been in the presence of our beautiful Lord. It is similar to point 2 on this post: following the Holy Spirit’s guide in your life. She was poor, didn’t have parents, yet our beautiful God had great plans for her. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'redeemersavior_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',136,'0','0']));But no, she knew she had to fast. This post has been a blessing. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Wow…whan an eye-opener. Esther was a woman whom God used her natural beauty and unique character to win the heart of a great King. Esther 2:12: “Before a young woman’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics”. Lovely read. I really enjoyed this; I did not know anything about Esther. Thank you so much for reminding me God can make something good out of bad and that He is always with us especially when life becomes so challenging.. God bless you and please continue with this beautiful work.. My GodMy Gif!This is totally amazing. I praise his holy name and I give him all power over my life and family too. Themes in the Story of Esther . Esther is my favorite book in the Bible because it shows how God has the ability to soften the hardest of hearts. Those plans were becoming queen of a whole country and saving thousands and thousands of Jews. Well, we reached a pivotal point in the story in the last chapter. Wow I love the book of Esther, I didn’t know this would change me on how I would understand the bible to the fullest. Thank you for your clear break down of God’s touch in this book. I love the book of Esther; it’s one of my favorites! We are the Esther church that has been called to intercede for this nation with prayers and fasting as we continue to watch God expose this corruption and silence the mouths of the false prophets of Baal. The Holy Spirit prompted me to know more about this woman. I am an orphan as well (hmm I am 50 now so…). Thank you & God bless you ! I tell you it will not go well for them in this hour. This was the first prophetic word the Holy Spirit gave me to release publicly to the Church. Hi Allison! For God to help you, do your part. Profoundly educative & highly Anointed. With Haman now out of the way and Mordecai taking his place, a whole new dawn had arrived for the Jewish people. I then move on to explain how you can live through your new spiritual nature. What I saw was that Mordecai simply waited in the garden in order to encourage and support Esther. There are many themes in the book of Esther. Spiritual Warfare | Spirit of Haman | Fast & Pray Oct 7, 2019 Elizabeth Marie The LORD has been showing me more about our spiritual weapons of warfare and how to use them in the SPIRIT. With this, SoE hopes to help CALD women and youth achieve freedom from the problems that prevent them from living lives that contribute positively to their families, spouses and communities. Please feel free to be a part of any or all of these ministries and help to build the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Esther had to undergo a detailed, delicate and extensive process of preparation before going to be presented before the king Xerxes(also called Ahasuerus). The Spirit of Esther is therefore Kingdom equipping, Kingdom building, and Kingdom protection! Thank you for sharing. As we crossed over into the new Hebraic year, I felt a supernatural shift in the spirit and asked the Lord to reveal to me on a deeper level what it is He is speaking and doing right now pertaining to the anointing of Esther.